Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Unity of the ONE in SPACEMOTION

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


I know of the UNITY or the ONE-ness of the ALL.

The ONE being the CREATIVE, the ALL being the CREATED.

The ONE being the ONE-ness OF ALL, and the ALL being MADE of the ONE.

E=MC^4...in SPACEMOTION...on the OCTAVE...(as light, sound, etc)

TIME and infinity being mathematical abstractions and illusions. SPACE and the Continuum or "Duration", (ETERNITY) being CREATED by the PRESENCE of MATTER and/or ENERGY (Electro-magnetic, and other more rarified forms of Energy yet to be "named", and not being "absolute" in and of itself.

THE "ONE" as revealed via the "intuition" to
(4d-Don / November 21, 2006 - 11:39 pm)

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