Saturday, April 7, 2007

Mono-theism and/or the ONE!

Flawed theology, creates flawed philosophy and flawed psychology that create flawed personalities (characters), that create flawed institutions that serve flawed individuals that create flawed theologies...times n ...cycles.

The fundamental MONO-theists (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) are on the move again making the global (ONE) citizens study war through the Media and then the School system, thus creating a "nationalist" and almost "religious" (monotheist) zeal or fervour. Is it a "conspiracy"? Is religion a "conspiracy" generally? Is there a "hidden agenda" in religion? Is there a hidden agenda in "Religions as States (clans)"?

In Canada, the point of focus has recently been placed on Vimy Ridge as a "defining" moment in Canadian history, according to some military historians/propagandists. Most Canadians I know do not define themselves by a "war" but by the quality of their lives, family, friends, thoughts, emotions, first and formost. Security and religion comes "way down the line" and is something to do in an "emergency". For those who learn to "get along", what defines them is "how well they get along with everyone". Most people I know get ready for "disasters" but the disasters, although they make a good story and song, and worthy of "remembering" does not "define" them and most do not "dwell" on the negative but get on with creating a "positive" and "peaceful" future for the next generation. Peace and peace-keeping, not war, defines the Canadians I know. War is what defines the failure of statemen, politicians, the religious adherents, who should have "stopped" the war through "talking" or through prayer or education around the causes of war, such as "religions", specially state/religious clans.

They (the storytellers, academics, writers, etc...) who make a living from their "words" use the media of the day: books, film, TV, political parties rags, non-profit organizations, and religions to create a sense of "urgency" of an "impending" disaster such as "war". But the urgency around impending disasters are also presented in religious terms such as: plagues and "End of TIMES" scenarios and not limited to a "them versus us" division. The divisions in the "natural disaster" scenarios are mostly centered around the right/left wing "economic" argument and the credibility of the disaster "prophesy" is challenged using other "causal" theories.

It seems that the theological focus on the "MONO" as ONE rather than on the "theism" (God-ism) which quickly becomes a "who", a "person" God, could re-focus the theological divisions and the duality of a personal "theism" on the UNITING and impersonal principle of ONE. These attributes assigned to the ONE (God) by Man soon becomes "anger" and war. So the word "monotheism", a concept of ONE, becomes a concept of ONE with a concept of two (duality) when the "theism" is tagged on. A "One" God (centered in Heaven), as a localized entity (or person) opens a concept of "outside" of that "entity" or person (duality). Then the concept of a place where that ONE is not (hell, darkness, outside the group, etc..), establishes the duality in concrete terms in the mind of the "followers". They are then "controlled" through fear and can be made to do unspeakable horrors in the name of a concept of MONO-theism. Monotheists want at all costs to avoid the place where the "MONO" is NOT, or HELL!!

The inability for the dynamic mind (constantly in motion, as a shark) to hold "static" a concept of ONE in a MOVING REALITY, sends the mind either into the dualistic "theism" of a personal God or in the virtual, imaginary realm represented by the negative numbers. These numbers are called "integers" as opposed to "real numbers" which are "subsets" of integers and are: 1,2,3,4,5, etc. Integers are -2,-1, 0, and +1, +2 +3....

The ONE, (or REALITY) being in MOTION creates through MOTION, the DUALITY that monotheists then use as a power to "divide" in reductionist fashion. On the other side of the MOTION, the ONE MOTION creates the Imaginary, virtual, "not-real", realm of the "negative" numbers which are in reality and by definition, an "illusion". Time is depicted as a "negative" in the Pythagorean theorem for squares on Right angle triangles.

So the ONE is not a PERSON or a PERSONAL GOD or anything but a "principle" of MOTION between the REALITY of + (plus) and the Virtual, imaginary, (un-Reality), of - (minus).

Then the ONE is MALE/FEMALE/NEUTER and also, none of these attributes "alone" as the use of the word: MONOTHEISM seems to allow of the "theism" part of its meaning. The Monotheist religions claim to know that GOD is GOD THE FATHER. Nature is then the FEMALE as a "counterbalance" to God and hence outside of GOD.

We can then say that the ONE is ALL so as to encompass all the (positive) REALITY and the (negative) VIRTUAL, Imaginary, Un-real, etc... but the ONE is NOT -- any one part "alone" and not the "other".

Do Canadians know that we now have a mythic "MOTHER CANADA, rather than a "FATHER CANADA"....OH YEAH? First God is a Male and now our Country is a Female. Did you vote on that? Does it not sound like all other "fundamentalist" and "nationalist" of attaching attributes to what does not belong to them! Is Germany the FATHERLAND? India is the MOTHERLAND! Nations and the ONE have no GENDER!

Should we not vote on our GENDER as a country? Or is this left to "religious", fundamentalist, nationalist citizens of some country or monotheist religion? Flawed theology, creates flawed philosophy and flawed psychology that create flawed personalities, that create flawed institutions that serve flawed individuals that create flawed theologies...times n ...cycles.