Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Want " faith"? Ask "HIM" Properly!


Atheists Are Irrational said:

Faith : "to believe because God has revealed it to you". But why should God if you don't ask properly, of even bother at all? But faith has been redefined as "Belief without knowledge" by modern secularists. That kind of self-justifying re-writing of things is all over your site. You blind yourself.

By the way the proper definition of atheist is "To deny the gods", and not 'unbelief' as you claim, which is actually a form of agnostic.

Ironic that atheists do not have proof that God does not exist. While Christians at least have the potential of a genuine mechanism of proof (God revealing himself).
(Atheists Are Irrational / September 02, 2007 - 11:56 pm)

4d-Don said:

Does one have to ask the sun for heat and light? Does one have to ask for, not the "force" but the "geometry" of Gravity. Does one have to ask the Wind to blow? The REALITY or the ONE is revealed to ALL without asking. The darkness that is '"BLIND faith" hides the day of logic with all it's so-called "light". Would you again make war and destroy those who do not "BELIEVE" in your "gods" as your fundamentalist ilk have done for centuries?

We, the INFONAUTS are redefining what is "proper". I don't know if you heard but "THEY died"!! We are the "authority" on our lives and what we believe. The "gods" along with fairies, devils, imps, devas, and the other "personal" creations of a frightened "authority" is not what I believe. I believe in the ONE or UNITY of LIFE...not a minor desert tribal "god" who is always angry, at war. The Bible is the path to immorality that is supposed to lead to the GREAT MORALITY. NOT!! A fiction originated by "camel-dung eating" prophets and con-men of religion to manipulate the masses and be supported by the "middle classes".

GOD IS NOT A MALE according to John 1, but a "WORD". Christians, to be as John, the mystic and probably Essene (not Paul, the murderer, or the doctor, or the tax-collector) should at least make the ONE a "SPIRIT" and not a MALE PERSON who REVEALS (dreams) to an ELITE. The ElITE then re-write and claim that it was the POOR who were the messengers, and the prefered of this minor tribal "god".

One cannot prove the "non-existence" of something such as "elves", "fairies", some "theology" (study of the ONE-What some call Theos, LOGOS or the CREATOR,the SINGULARITY, the UNITY and "god") such as Thomas Aquinas (the monk and Saint, who was muzzled by the CHURCH in his lifetime).

(4d-Don / September 04, 2007 - 09:03 pm)

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