Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The ONE and the LOGOS! Does Winning Matter?

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


One does not discuss with the idea of winning, changing the other side, or saving the un-educated or un-elightened, is in a debate. But one wants to put out in the cosmos, certain frequencies (as in music), that are higher than, or un-tainted by, the red-end spectrum of emotions and more towards the blue-end frequencies of our intellectual properties of logic, and reason.

The concept the LOGOS of pre-pythagorean Greece comes to mind. It was a beautiful concept of the ALPHA or the ONE (or Singularity), To express the Unity, Oneness or togetherness, that somehow got perverted by religion of course. But it originally meant "Logic as defined by sound in the form of words". In the Bible, John, the apostle, writing in Greek, states: In the beginning was the "Logos", which got translated to "word" in Eglish, to "verbum" in Latin and to "verbe" in French. So from "Logic", to "word", to "verbe or "action"...The corrupting power of religion in its inability to deal with dynamic, living or changing languages with the primitive tools of emotional materialist societies, with their static, litteralist or sometimes dead languages.

As we all know that in most religions, words do not have to be "logical". They could just as well be grunts, without logical meaning to be taken on faith under threat of death of eternal damnation. That is a powerful toy that the religious "old boys", having believed in it since childhood and addicted to it since post puberty, refuse to give up as they get older and near death.

We, the un-enlightened "hopefuls" hope that the frequencies of logic and reason that we put out there will act as a template for the "Non thinkers" to fall into sub-consciously as an evolutionary matter of course. The non-thinkers of course will and must believe "religiously" that they got there on their own steam or by "inspiration" from above. I would rather think that the inspiration came from "inside". We, of course, must leave them that dignity. ie. to change at their own time and speed. It should not be difficult since Time is not a dimension as space, and we have unlimited or eternal Space to play with because of Motion.

So "no reason to get excited" as the song goes. (All along the Watchtower):-)

(4d-Don / March 21, 2006 - 01:14 am)

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