Friday, March 30, 2007

Faith and Belief in Religious and Spiritual "GURUS"

From into the Stillmess...Guru Yoga on:
Date: (3/26/07 12:32 pm)

Discussion on Faith and Systems, religions, spiritual Gurus etc...

Hi etern s e i and all...

According to Webster:

This is the definition of "Faith" according to the BIBLE (Christianity or Religion in general??)...

Faith is in general the persuasion of the mind that a certain statement is true (Phil. 1:27; 2 Thess. 2:13).

Its primary idea is trust. A thing is true, and therefore worthy of trust. It admits of many degrees up to full assurance of faith, in accordance with the evidence on which it rests.

Faith is the result of teaching (Rom. 10:14-17).

Knowledge is an essential element in all faith, and is sometimes spoken of as an equivalent to faith (John 10:38; 1 John 2:3).

Yet the two are distinguished in this respect, that faith includes in it assent, which is an act of the will in addition to the act of the understanding.

This is the Definitiion according to the "Devil's Dictionnary" (at the same site)...

FAITH, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.

One can see that the definition of "faith" is varied and broad so it could lead to many and varied opinions.

Faith seems to have an aspect of "remaining TRUE" so in that sense, unchanging....One can only have faith in something that will remain the same unless one has faith in its "changing" aspect. Then one has to define that "change" and then have faith that the change will take place as "defined"...

A belief (a doctrine) is not so "rigid" and can be assigned to societal structures (ideas, theories, groups, etc that can change as there is not necessarily proof at the present for the belief) (see Webster definitions below))

1. Any cognitive content held as true.

2. A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof.

The weight of the proof needed from "Faith" and "Belief" are what seems to distinguishe them.

FAITH can be said to have no need of proof or logical explanation. It is also more of an influence on one's life and/or furher "belief" systems one puts one's "faith" in.

BELIEF (such as Church doctrine) can change radically with time. For some adherents, regardless of the changes in doctrine, faith in the Church or structure, still remains.

The UNIVERSE seems to most of us, like a "ONE-time" event and we have no scientific evidence that although history seems to repeat, it is not really a true repeat but "almost" a repeat, as people, the receptors and/or interpreters of the experience of LIFE are different and our placing in SPACE is different thanks to MOTION of the SPHERES. Re-incarnation seems to suggest a repeat but in REALITY, re-incarnation can also be seen as a repeating of "cycles" and "packets (quanta) of spirit energy" rather that the repeating of the events, the whole person with memory, etc.....We can say that "wars" repeat but that is only the "generalized" wars, and not the "particular" war or the events in that war.

To assign to someone (a guru) more knowledge than one's self, about the multi-dimensional aspects of "LIFE" that does not repeat, is an assignment that should be "tested" every day and with every decision that is made on the advice of that particular "expert". One person (expert) can have more "knowledge" in one particular discipline such as "the jungle of Africa" and can hire out as a "guide" in Africa, but the same guide would be suspect and not taken seriously, if he offered "guidance" in any and every terrain and place in the UNIVERSE (on Mars or Jupiter... say?). An expert on LIFE is a "charlatan". We all have some knowledge, some more than others in one or more particular fields but NONE have all the knowledge except the ONE!! So faith should be for the ONE alone and not the "proxies" or self-styled and self-appointed representatives of the ONE (GOD)

Faith and belief in Spirituality and Religion are not mainly built on "experience" but on reading, learning and memorizing...not evidence. Faith in the "writings" of another man or group of men (religion) without knowing the individuals who's writings one is reading, their background, circumstance very dangerous. Faith, for most people, is not knowledge from experience. Experience itself is also too subjective to be a gauge of anything except of how we are all gullible and "easy to fool".

Faith is the easy way...It stops the cumbersome "Thinking process"with it's endless searches, debates, experiments, etc.....To the thinker, the process can go on with gratitude for the ability to "think". To others thinking is not so easy.

We can't know what ONE or UNITY (God) is from inside our own "duality", but we can describe some attributes of what the ONE is to us, such as GOD is ONE or UNITY (not Dual...such as the religious God inside the UNIVERSE and God outside at the same SPACE (outside of TIME) ...we can say, GOD is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient etc..We can also describe GOD as Thomas Acquinas,(1225-1274), a Christian Monk, by "what it is not" and there we get into the debates of "relgions"...There is no place where God is not (hell? outside the UNIVERSE)...UNI means ONE....There is no Greater God that the ONE God...A God that exists is greater than a God that doesn't exist...etc...

Faith and trust in our "assignments of attributes to the ONE" as if they were dogmas and doctrines will breed violence ... statements of Faith should be open to scrutiny like all beliefs and as such is not FAITH ...

Rigid adherence to a belief and/or faith means accepting "no change" and no evolution, knowledge from the "traditional" sources or "authorities" only (Churches, Academia, expertism, etc...) The ONE (God) of FAITH is STATIC, RIGID, and UN-MOVING....My ONE is MOTION ITSELF...

According to most "faith-based" religious belief systems, before Homo Sapiens, the pinnacle of the ONE's Creation, there was "NO KNOWLEDGE" to impart as man was needed as a receptacle for that knowledge, and then out of nowhere, MIND (Atman), and MAN appear. SOME now want to place that knowledge onto our experts (gurus) and their structures, and onto GOD alone and not onto the rest of the ALL (CREATION) such as on the atom, electron, photon, planets, suns, crystals, animals and us, the "unclean".. etc... NOT!!! The SUN shines on ALL....

Blind FAITH in Religious and Spiritual matters will not survive this age of the INFONAUT (Jewish Kabbalah-seven archtypes)....The experts, the autocrats and so-called "authorities" in matters of FAITH are going to be exposed for what they are: not worthy of the trust that FAITH demands of the SHEEP...(the followers or adherents (from: adhesive or glue or "stuck") ...Faith will be reserved for the ONE!! Belief will be for the experts (gurus), if they are "credible" and shown and proven to be "trustworthy".

LIFE IS DYNAMIC and Changing and in MOTION...I as a Spirit have no problem with that...It is not our MINDS that can't change but our EMOTIONS that tenaciously hang on to our past habits and ADDICTIONS of Beliefs and FAITH in structures that we needed in the past, but that we now see as they truly are. I see them as obviously, and now "visibly", as confirmed by our legal systems, as corrupt and needing our input to bring about the necessary change so that the next generation is not "victimized" by the religious "cronies" and old boys networks.

One of my songs..(inspired by ONE)

Sign of the TIME
by 4d-don

It' s a sign of the TIME, knowledge is blind
And Freedom is fleeting
Keep it in mind, you step out of line
You'll be walking alone
So run with the herd, carry the word
The Big Drum a-beating
Numbers are might, defending the "RIGHT"
As rigid as stone

They're pinning the route, knowledge about
The ONE and the ONLY.
Darkness that shone, two tablets of stone,
A voice from on high.
Think as you must, knowledge is just
A myth in the making
Wizards that fly, and old men that die
Are leaving behind!

Seek as you might, ONE that UNITES,
Religion's dividing.
They're taking the best, and leaving the rest
To fend on their own.
Heavens Above! Knowing that LOVE
Is all about caring.
Taking the Time, sharing the Dime,
The temples can wait!


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