Saturday, July 14, 2007

The HOPEFUL Bummers!


Oviettiv said:

'am really impressed!!

(obiettiv / June 19, 2007 - 09:43 pm)

Rachel Crossley said:

Terrible website, u bummmers
(Rachel Crossley / June 18, 2007 - 10:12 am)

Christian said:

You pose some interesting questions. I have spent some time studying some of your material. I was just wondering if you believe in the concept of truth. If so, I would like to know. I will continue to examine your website. God Bless.
(christian / July 1st, 2007 - 00:45 am)

4d-don said:

We have HOPE and we are called "BUMMERS"... I guess it's not the "right kind of HOPE"... Like the kind that comes from a "legitimate" "church"... That's like saying that if you play the kitchen spoons, you are not really a "spoon player" as to truly be a "spoon player", one has to use the "musical Instruments" bought at a "legitimate" music store. You know the kind that are "stuck together already.

We are taking back our HOPE also because the RELIGIOUS fear of a HELL is not enough of a motivator. It does not stop "evil" from existing as collectively having created the "hell" from fantasy to "reality" simply by saying it, writing it and and then "collectively" believing it, the "lowest among us" will become curious to experience that "evil"...

Where is the HOPE in the Religious HELL and the other attributes of the realm of EVIL disguised as "GOOD"..

Hell is the absence of God (not the ONE). So there is an Inside and an Outside of God. So God has dual qualities. It is also Male, so female is outside?

Logic is better than Fantasy in this case. ;-)) ONE IS ALL... ALL IS ONE...(no gender, no maleness, no duality...ONE IN ALL and ALL IN ONE... Alexandre Dumas (loosely) in the Three

(4d-don / June 26, 2007 - 00:56 am)

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