Monday, September 10, 2007

The LAW-From ONE to ALL including ATHEISTS


For all "Christians" and other THE-ists (From the Greek Theos=God the ONE Creator)?...(notice that it's close to "THEY", the sacred INSTITUTE of "THEY"). Well, THEY died... I heard it on the NEWS and THEY never lie. lol ;-))

The culture that gave you (and us) "Christ", your Messiah (Saviour) and the Old Testament in the Bible has many myths and symbols.

Do Christians ever wonder why the culture who's history is carried in a "sacred document", includes the concept of the primacy of the "LAW"?

If we look at other cultures guided by the "LAW" carried in their Sacred Books of MYTHS and SYMBOLS, including the LAW OF ONE of the MYTHIC (or even SYMBOLIC) lost Atlantean culture, one finds the same guiding compendium of moral and ethical tenets of that culture at that time including some "un-elevated" and "survivalist" tenets such as the "discrimination" against "homosexuality".

The tribe, to remain "vital", has to sustain it's numbers or grow, and the historic "male/female" copulating was necessary at some past historic time for the survival of the tribes. Inner and inter-tribal copulating was the norm with a few "outside" sperms and/or eggs added to diversify the gene-pool. This "inspiration" to explore other territory and spread the "seeds", came to the "rebels" and/or misfits of the clans, the explorers and the adventurers.

The same for some "cleanliness laws such as: "menstruating" women were not to swim in the pools and/or ride in a saddle at the time of the "curse" that was menstruation.

If these LAWS were inspired by The ONE or THE UNITY (what some call God, the Creator, etc) either through "evolution" or "mind meld" as in the sci-fi Star Trek or the "Divine inspiration" of the theists, then "IT" seems to have given "IT" broad and wide to many and maybe all cultures at different "evolutionary" times and changed "IT" (the so-called "inspiration") as the need and the "knowledge base" changed.

That would be like a "ONE" or a "UNITY" which is not "tribal" but UNIVERSAL as in ONE - VERSE....(uni=one)

Sing together my children!! Together we are a "symphony". You (we) all have the same "inspiration" or "IT" from the ONE (Creator) to the ALL (Creation). Some (humanists, atheists) get it through "evolution", some (theists, religious, cultists) get it through "inspiration" and some (adherents to the other theisms, "religions" and cults) get it through "myths and fantasies" and some get IT from other games of the Universal MIND.

(4d-don / September 06, 2007 - 08:53 pm)

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