Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thank God I Found This Site

This was on the Atheist site called: Atheism, The Capital Man
I thought is was so funny that I replied to it even thought the comment was in the "guest book" comments section and not a "chat line"

Skepticist Said:

Thank God I found this site. Sorry about that verbal slip. Marx put it best: religion is the opiate of the masses. Today television is a close second. Nice to be here. Tanks!
(skepticist / 14/01/08 - 05:56)

4d-don Said:

"Thank God I found this site."

That's priceless! lol ;-))

Is there a comedian out there? A spiritual/humanist satirist? The title of this site: "The CAPITAL Man" also has some satire or "other forms of communication" potential."

The "slip" certainly works on "polarity" and draws the "Poles of opposites (theist/atheist) closer together through the logical/illogical expression of an emotion (relief) or a "verbal slip"...or is it a "slip" at all? Are there MISTAKES in GOD? or in the UNIVERSE?. Were we meant to come here to this site? It has a dis-armingly beautiful symetry!

Luck is but a law un-recognized!! So is destiny.

Still many missing links in logic as well as in genetics, and as well as in the "GOD and Creation" theories...Re-incarnation is an attempt to explain "suffering" and “luck or talent” in one lifetime, with deeds, sinful/virtuous in another past lifetime or across TIME and/or from energy (spiritual) to genetics, but it soon drifts into "elitism" with the elite defining the process rather than the ALL that is "consciousness". All points of consciousness hold a part of the "answer". No one point or series of points holds all the ANSWER, all the TIME...there is an "uncertainty" principle at work here also. The UNIVERSE loves DIVERSITY and DYNAMISM or CHANGE and TRANSFORMATION!

Laughter is GOLDEN!! ;-))

Let's see how soon this "meme" that inavertently crept into our "WORLD" creates reflections and how soon we hear it spoken or see it written "elsewhere"? Is it a conspiracy? The Aquarian Conspiracy in REALITY...


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