Sunday, May 27, 2007

Calendars and Space, Time and Motion


Colin Said:

you can please some of the people some time....... I just wish I had more of it!
(colin scholey / 17/05/07 - 17:54)

4d-don said:

Has anyone noticed how religions have historically controlled the dating systems (calendrics) of most cultures. TIME has also erroneously been made akin to a "dimension" and as such, something as real as MOTION or even as real as the volume that is SPACE that we can apparently, according to religions, run out of in this mortal 3d life, but that never runs out in the 4d (or n...d) of eternity and where we apparently get our spiritual or religious rewards or punishment. Hence: the Christian fantasy of Heaven, guarded by St Peter and Michael the Archangel, or Hell guarded by Lucifer or Satan, the devil and his demons. (Greek- Hades, the "netherworld" or the realm of PLUTO with its guard, the demon, Cerberus).

If TIME is simply a measurement of CHANGE or MOTION, then TIME is not something that we can be short of any more than we can run out of length, width or height, the measurements of space. TIME is not a "dimension" but half of a dimension, as TIME, because of MOTION, only goes in one direction whereas dimensions have two directions. (forward/backward, right/left, up/down, of 3d or the in/out of 4d, etc...) We then get the paradox that if we go faster than the speed of light, the Universe would spin backwards and TIME would go also backwards. It's a nice story but "it ain't-a gonna happen"!

The new concept to replace "spacetime" would then either be the "all-space" or better still, "SPACEMOTION".

It is time for our global society or civilization to take back the counting and understanding of TIME and calendrics away from the CHURCHES and at least start counting from an "astronomical" event and not a tribal "societal" event such as the birth of a man or a myth. We now have a need a calendar with three linked MOTIONS: the revolution of the moon in its orbit around the earth, the 24 hour rotation or spin of the earth relative to the sun, and the revolution of the earth in its orbit around the sun. Soon we will need to include the rotation of our star's (the sun) orbit around the galaxy in our calendars, describing the rotation or spin of the galaxy.

We are LIFE, not simply Matter, but Matter plus Energy. As such, we change our individual coatings but we, as LIFE, "GO ON"... We are now experiencing a "carbon" phase. The journey is not "OVER" with this life-TIME. Now, the memories that are stored on the duplicating capabilities of "carbon" will be tranformed to memory on other elements. We are then "elementals" in MOTION, going through a "carbon" phase...;-))...What's element is next?

(4d-don / 24/05/07 - 19:34)

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