Tuesday, March 20, 2007

ONE or Christ as Part of God the CREATOR!

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


I wonder why those who believe in Christ as "part of" the Creator of the Universe not call that Creator by the same name Christ did? Christ did not call his Creator "God", he used a "jewish" and/or at least a word from that "period". The word "God" is from a "Goth" culture that existed much later. There are two names in the Christian Bible for the Creator of the Universe: Yahweh, and Elohim from the two founding tribes of the nation called "Israel". John calls it the "Word", a perversion of the Greek concept of "logos" meaning "logic as described by sound using words". It got translated later to "the Word" but at least it is an "energy" and not a "person". The Jewish meanings for the ONE are: IT that has no name, no form, etc...

To refer to the ONE "God" as a "Person" and to seek a "personal God" is so "materialist" and "Atheistic" and so "un-spiritual" but is "religious".

(Don / September 20, 2006 - 19:02)

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