Tuesday, March 20, 2007

God as Gender- Based ( MALE-HIMSELF)

This comment (as most comments on this site) was originally posted on this site:


Still "God Himself" eh? A SPIRIT is not MALE.

The ONE, what some call God and arrogantly give IT an (one or more) attribute of MALE-ness, as if they "know" IT, the ONE (GOD) is the apex of ignorance of the nature of Matter, Mind, and SPIRIT.

Matter, can have Polarity, Gender, but mind and spirit have to be "IT" not HE or SHE. It's simple. IT IS NOT A MALE... IT IS NOT A FEMALE...IT IS that IT IS!!

The attributes of Electro-magnetism, although they can be broken down into "positive" and "negative", those attributes cannot then be transfered willy-nilly to male and female in biology nor in intellect (a positive thought would be male and a negative thought would be female), or spirituality (God is a MALE) SPIRIT as GOD with only MALE attributes... Then Femininity is "outside of God" or an "afterthought"

Want to buy a bridge??
(4d-don / February 23, 2007 - 07:35 am)

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