Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The ONE God, and Divisions!!

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


Religion needs to think that the Part, itself, is the Whole (present of future) and once "they" get smarter or are "saved", they will see the "righteousness" or "our" True Religion. Those who are not religious, see that there are so many parts, or religions (including no religion at all) that forms the All that like me, they don't want to be in one of the parts, as that would imply that they are not part of all the other parts and hence, not part of, or divided from, the ONE.

This division is the gift of all religions. Religion divides, spirituality unites. The non-religious are the only ones who can cross over and link all the religious people into the ALL or the ONE....If we can just get them to stop fighting long enough to correct their megalomania and see that we are all part of the ONE or the Singularity. Some religious people think, in their disease, that they are the "teacher's pet", and are favoured of the ONE....

They are caught in an impossible concept of the ONE. "Be as nature" some claim but the sun, the wind, the rain or the other forces of nature such as the tides and the volcano does not favour the religious nor the atheist. That disease of the "favouritism of God" is worse than being an atheist is it not?

(4d-don / March 3, 2006 - 00:22 am)

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