Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The ONE or GOD as "LORD"?

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


Here is another one. Why do Christians call the ONE (God or the CREATOR) and Christ by the lowly title: "LORD". Is that not too lowly a title and a bit of an "insult" or "blasphemy". The Creator of ALL is not the "Emperor" or the "king" but is at the level of The British House of LORDS and Lord Conrad Black. Christ and the ONE God or the CREATOR all have the same title. In one song, "HE" (the Masculine) is "LORD of Lord" and "KING of King" but not "EMPEROR of Emperor"! HMMM! Strange lot these "theists"!! Not very "logical" or "co-herent, for a bunch of "adherents" as in "adhesive" or "sticky" or "glue" (sticking to a dogma and not moving such as "stuck".

Flawed theology, creates flawed philosophy and psychology and flawed institutions and structures (pyradmidal), and finally flawed individuals with personalities that are always in "stress" even to war!!

Let's chose a better name for the ONE-ness of ALL that will unite us rather that divide us in our Ultimate and/or our Creative impulse. Maybe then, we can feel "UNITED" or ONE...and not eliminate tension, but finally stop the stress, hopelessness, futility and waste of war!!


(4d-don / October 4, 2006 - 01:36 am)

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