Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Everyone and Everything is One's Spiritual Guide

My reply to: "everyone and everything is his spiritual guide".... from Shantideva as posted by Chris on:


Re: Guru Yoga/Shantideva

You know the teaching I dig is Shantideva's who said that everyone and everything is his spiritual guide...that one makes a lot of sense to me...it refutes nothing, it argues against or for nothing...it uses what ever appears to our mind as our spiritual guide. And it really works!

:sunglass Edited by: Chris Crumb at: 3/30/07 7:33 pm

Re: Guru Yoga/Shantideva

Hi Chris and all...

Now that makes sense.

If the ONE (God) is "omnipresent" then the path to get to IT is not "somewhere else" only, but some part of IT (ONE) should be "right beside us". We are not searchers in "space" but searchers for methods to use in the "interior scapes" of the realm of MIND, (with its id, imagination, virtuality, abstractions etc...). So, we want to "open one's eyes" and "SEE" the REALITY. That is what drew me to the eightfold (octave) "raja yoga" and thus in a round about way to the "phoney" or "modified" Raja Yoga that is "Sahaj Marg". Modified for whom? The fast-food, quick-fix, MacDonald Generation? The path of Raja Yoga was and still is "accurate" and the "king of Yogas", in my humble opinion, but with the "modifications" (tapas, yamas) of Sahaj Marg put back in.

From the Bible...(loosely)
If they say "HE"s on the MOUNTAIN, or in the VALLEY, don't go! The ONE will be seen from EVERYWHERE as IT is "Everywhere"...(I think...not sure of that...lol...To be ONE or ALL, IT has to be Everywhere, everywhen,....)

So, according to Jesus (myth or real), the ONE is Everywhere" and thus "in everything" (as the ALL) and one (we) just has to "open one's eyes"...

A prohet is a "seer"

The thing with the ONE, is that if it is dynamic and in motion, we can only see a "moving" or "transitory" image of IT with our "physical" eyes, so the minute we look or think or focus on something of "self interest" we lose the view of the ALL or the ONE. We call it "focussing". Some call what we perceive and experience as a "moment" of motion or "in time", but IT is ALL in ONE and "out of TIME" and in constant MOTION.

Therein lies the rub...and the occasion for the profiteers with the ability (silver-tongued devils) to "sell" IT, much as some sell sex as love, art as nature, music as sound, color as light, etc...we are in a world of metaphors (of our own creation (mind) and trying to use words with absolute meaning to describe beliefs, myths, symbols, mores (of the past), using a static language or a language of "objects", English. (as probably most commercial languages). The more romantic languages include some "humanity" but few if any, offer an extensive use of "metaphors".

A Biblical example.

In John 1, the Bible states:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God." etc....

Translation from the Greek:
In the Beginning was the "LOGOS" (in philosophy logos is Logic, as described by sound, using words). So words must "make sense" and not just be "grunts".

Translated in Latin and then French as:
Au commencement etait le "VERBE" (the verb??...The "action", ENERGY or MOTION...How romantic!! lol

Translated into the "static" english:
In the beginning was the "WORD"...static as if the "Word" is now to be spread as the static TRUTH from GOD eternally...Hence the Christian "evangelical" or fundamentalist movement.

From a concept of LOGIC, to MOTION, and ENERGY to a DOGMATIC eternal truth of the "WORD".... a specific sound or a specific WORD....and not SOUND in general...

It's no wonder we are all "confused" and clay in the hands of the "experts" of academia and/or the "autocrats" from the business-men of religion.....

Rather than speaking about a "table" as a static "object", if seen accross or "out of" TIME, the wood (or carbon) is actually "tabling" after having "treed" for a while and will be "moulding" and then eventually "carbon-ing" again etc...LIFE IS A PROCESS or "cyclical"....not a static reality...

We might, so as to reach a "higher" understanding of REALITY, have to start speaking in "metaphors" as Gene Roddenberry did on one of the Star Trek episodes...lol At least we might not sound so "dogmatic" and "know-it-alls" ...lol

Star Trek...
"Picard, his eyes open wide!!"....;-))

Edited by: 4d don at: 3/30/07 2:47 pm

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