Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Faith Breeds Violence on "THE PATH" -4d-Don

Reply to and agreement with the previous quote by J. Krishnamurti


Hi all...

I have been questionning the cause of the confusion induced in the "seekers" by the words "path", map, secret, system, method, etc... as if there was a goal to be reached rather than a realization that the "journey is the thing" of spirituality... where one would be free to go into a group, (the sphere of the MASTER or MISSION or METHOD) take the "knowledge" (the map of the path) and get out.

With a spiritual "path", goal etc, that never ends or culminates, one never actually never gets there but a "dependence" is built just through repetition and "habit", that can then be "manipulated" by the "owners" of the path, goal, etc...(try it for 6 months and see...is the standard come-on!)

In logic, (and religion and spirituality), words such as: the path, "quest" or "search", imply a "movement" in space, to a place where one realizes one' s destiny and/or more of the ONE or Energy of LIFE. The presumption is that the "seeker" is presently in a more "dense" or "a less enlightened" space than the "other" part of so-called REAL and desireable SPACE (heaven, bliss, nirvana, etc.)".

It's the old: "the grass is greener over there" and you need a "path", secret, or map, to get there...and I just happen to have a "map" showing how to get there. Or, even better, I was there myself, or my buddy or guru, was there himself and he told me how to guide you on the path or to the goal...but I won't go with you....I'll just tell you what to do ...and you just obey! That is not a guide but an academic with theoretical information that could be "knowledge" or not... We will only know at the end of the journey. And there is no end to the journey. So?...we will never know...

And How do I know that I'll get there with this map?...Because no matter where one adherent gets to, using my path or map, I will say that it is "THERE" and I'll be "RIGHT".... Not ethical, moral, or effective or self-sustaining, but "RIGHT"....

If space is scalar, and all directions are "Possible", that implies that we, as "radiant energy" (heat..98.6, electromagnetic (brain=5-8 hz), and a certain individual visible light spectrum) are all sources of "radiance" emitted in a sphere around oneself, in many or ALL directions , in a sort of oscillating or "rolling" wave of "energy". The concept of the "path" implies a one dimensional linear space from this 3d to that other 3d space while the concept of "BE HERE NOW" of Baba Ram Das et al, seems more "REAL"... and "probable" in reality...The path is a "transition" (or an oscillation and rotational motion) ...LIFE IS NOT A TRANSITION from one space to the other but is a constant oscillating (in the direction of "in and out") TRANSITION, and is in rotation in an "allspace" created by itself... The path is ALL PATHS and does not say anything about a particular map or path from HERE to THERE ..... THERE IS NO SECRET, MAP, OR PATH, it is being created as the MOTION of LIFE ROLLS ON in the ETERNAL NOW!!

There's a song there....lol...

Krishnamurti is again "on"....I just read some Vivekenanda and was pleased to see him calling the "divinity", ONE...and at least thinking of "space and time"... If knowledge is also what is gained and "polished" with "spirituality" then knowledge has to be "shown" with "gem-clear" statements and not necessarily "experiences" except the experience of finding the excitement of confirmation that the "statement is true" and accurate and possible in "reality" and not just in logic, or mathematics or "in theory", such are "models"...

He (Vivekenanada) is another proponent of "use the intellect" (or logic) in the form of advaita philosophy for this age and I think he's right...

Obedience for some kids and adults...Logic for some adults and kids....

Knowledge of our Spiritual nature does not make one more "spiritual" any more than Knowledge about the Sun's nature make the Sun shine more. And certainly not shine more on one than on the "neighbour". The sun shines because of the laws of NATURE on ALL, in all directions. We are spirit because of our NATURE...Knowledge is just another intellectual "gift" and does not affect our spirituality...but allows an intellectual "realization"...

The message is BE!! not DO (or teach) Spirituality...We all know the difference!! Lots of talkers and salesmen out there... I will not buy what is mine for free!!


Edited by: 4d don at: 4/2/07 1:27 pm

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