Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Validating Proof of the ONE

Taken from:

Adam Sandler said:

u suck, i mean you dont even offer validating proof of ANY of your ideas or "facts"
(adam sandler / October 10, 2007 - 01:33 am)

4d-don said:

Those who "demand" validating proof of the "non-existence" of a "MYTH" (GOD) created by our un-developed, warring, and frightened fore-fathers obviously must have "validating" proof of the existence of the ONE (the Divine, what some call "GOD"). That PROOF? Their HOLY BOOKs... which are now considered "scientific" or validating proof of not only the ONE, but of his opponent "SATAN" or the DEMONS of the "underworld" who will EAT you if you don't perform certain RITUALS...

What was once called "CREATIONISM" is now called by the more scientific "INTELLIGENT DESIGN"...We can agree with that ONE! The UNIVERSE IS INTELLIGENT although some parts of the UNIVERSE (the ALL) or ONE (GOD) are more "intelligent" than others.

From the ONE of MONO-theism, comes the Duality of "inside and outside" of GOD...So accordingly, the ONE is not ALL, but there is a group of (damned) spirits and a "FIRE", who are outside the ONE and live in the HELL of "OUT THERE". That is not MONO (ONE) but DUAL-ity (TWO)...and all without "symetry"...

According to them, The ONE is IMPERFECT since there are someones or somethings "OUTSIDE" of the ONE...And apparently, the ONE is NOT A PERSON but a SPIRIT or I prefer: ALL...

Those who worship a PERSONAL ONE cannot PROVE the existence of that ONE (person), those who don't believe in that ONE can't prove it's "non-existence".

That is the "Science" of RELIGION...which is also the science of "Fantasy".

Whatever you can "think", you can CREATE...And if you write it down, the "gullible" followers will come! Be it Harry Potter or GOD...

Creating a RELIGION is easy...Ask PT Barnum who said: "There is a new one (sucker) born every minute."

(4d-don / October 14, 2007 - 09:00 pm)

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