Saturday, October 27, 2007

Put God and Holy Books on Trial


4d-don said:

It is HIGH TIME to put GOD and the HOLY BOOKS of all religions ON TRIAL (International Tribunal).

Any criminal activity (hatred, incitement to hatred, murder, incitement to murder, genocide, conspiracy, and many more...) by either the "GOD" or "His/Her/It's" (usually male) REPRESENTATIVES should bring a removal of the "tax-exempt" status of the RELIGION in all UN Countries.

The evidence of criminal activity by many Religions is in black and white in their HOLY BOOKS.

If GOD is found "innocent" then IT's representatives should be forced to remove from the HOLY BOOKS the sections where the crimes are attributed to, or ordered by "GOD" as a condition for the continued operation of the RELIGION (cult) in any UN countries.

RELIGIONS should not be "tax-exempt" for creating a social problem (crime) and not adhering to the civil laws of the land, but if doing charity work, only the CHARITY WORK portion of that religion (cult) should be TAX EXEMPT, not the PROSELYTIZING of what now appears to be a CRIMINAL GOD, served by criminal representatives and gullible and naive but innocent followers!!

(4d-Don / October 24, 2007 - 09:11 pm)

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