Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How about a number for GOD...ONE?

Taken from:

Kim Piercey said:

One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. God wants to be your Saviour not your judge. Turn to Him and life will change. You can mock all you like but the truth is nothing in life will satisfy you until you have tried God!
(Kim Piercey / October 16, 2007 - 00:26 pm)

4d-Don said:

Those (Judeo-Christians) who pretend to know what their God (from the Goth (Germanic) empire that sacked Rome in the 4th century of the "common era" (CE)) wants, says and does always say that their God wants to SAVE us (and then punish us if we refuse). From WHAT? Satan, is what they answer. A powerful OPPOSITE of their GOD. MONOTHEISM is now DUALITY.

To speak for the ONE is a disease (psychosis that leads to megalomania), not a virtue.

To claim to know what the ONE desires is "blasphemy", as ONE (what they call G-O-D) does not have "attributes", wants and desires they claim.

To put Christ as GOD (Trinity) and then to call it by the lowly name of LORD (such as LORD Conrad Black et al) is "idolatry" at best and so "Constantinean" (see the Roman Emperor and his role in this schismic travesty) at worse.

Now the name for the ONE in Judaism is "Yahweh", or JEHOVA, not G-O-D. The Greek concept that preceded the Judaic concept of Yahweh and Elohim was LOGOS (LOGIC as defined by SOUND) not the static and germanic translation: "WORD". This LOGOS is translated in French as "VERB" not G-O-D or WORD. (see John 1).

To believe in GOD and not YAHWEH, ELOHIM, LOGOS, is so GERMANIC or GOTH! Now do you wonder why the resurgence of the GOTH culture in our YOUTH? Not the SPIRITUAL ACME of THEOLOGY for HOMO SAPIENS!

Those who are atheist and do not believe in your or any of the many GODs, CHRISTs (Messiah), WORDs, and who believe that MAN (homo sapiens) must save HIMSELF also have a "hard-wired" need for the MYSTICAL experience, hence believe in SOMETHING...WE just don't call it GOD, LORD, KING, etc...IT IS TOO LOWLY! Some, but not all, prefer ONE, UNITY, ALL etc... and what about NO ATTRIBUTES FOR THE ONE (such as FATHER, MALE, etc...)



Christ, when he was living was not LORD and did not die as a LORD!

If God (Yahweh, Elohim, LOGOS) is LORD, then he (male) should be made a member of the MALE HOUSE OF LORDS, not the house (pantheon) of the SPIRITUAL (no gender) GODS!

(4d-don / October 22, 2007 - 10:13 pm)

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