Tuesday, March 20, 2007

ONE as a NUMBER (a principle)

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


Now that we have various number systems (real, integers, rational, irrational, etc)
that go into the complex and "imaginary" numbers with their various algebras (vector, quaternion, octonion, etc...), we as a species are developing theories that do not need a First Cause or a God. The dogmatic religious support for the "Big Bang" theory is now challenged by the more Spiritual "No-Singularity" theory that allows for eternal "Little Bangs", and the created-from-nothing "Big Bang" is retreating daily. The Branes theory (the source of the saying: it's a "no-braner") allows for "No-singularity" and no "Big Bang" but theorizes energy "membranes" that come together, and touch at irregular intervals of time and space to create "little Bangs" and/or whole Universes or Multiverses eternally.

As Science advances to fill the void of Space, with energy, matter and the products of the Mind, God and/or Religion retreats to fill the realm of "Spirit". Spirit could then be seen as just a more rarified form of energy than Matter and Mind.

Just a thought of inclusion!!

(Don / July 23, 2006 - 10:48 pm)

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