Monday, January 28, 2008

The Hard Dead Heart (seat of the soul)

Sarah Said:

I actually cried when I saw this site. I was looking for a picture for my bible essay, and this site popped up. Unfortunately, I clicked on it. You need to seriously consider why you have this hate in your life for Jesus. If only your hard, dead heart felt what mine did when i hear the name JESUS. No shudders, just complete happiness.
(Sarah / January 28, 2008 - 03:14 am)

4d-don Said:

Children feel "Happiness" when Santa Claus, fairies, elves, and all magic, are mentionned. That does not mean that the commercial version of Coca Cola's (from Cocaine) Santa Claus exists.

Those who project hate at those who don't agree with them as if WE hated, create that hatred in their own minds using the energy in the "logic" of our words (LOGOS). Rather than LOVING the sinner and talking about the alleged sin, some (fewer and fewer) attack the person rather than discussing the MESSAGE, because they cannot do otherwise. Their theological message is flawed and a fantasy (Roman?, German?)...GOD, or ONE, is not and cannot be a MALE PERSON or any point or place in SPACE. IT ain't logical or LOGOS or in agreement with Moses or the early JEWS!!

I personally love Jesus, or more accurately, his MESSAGE of love, and (I tolerate) ALL people, even if he and others which I sometimes refer to may simply be MYTHs.

Has anyone ever wondered why there are no dates on all the letters, epistles, gospels, writings called "PROOF" of the existence of Jesus? God apparently passed on Earth and no one of his following recorded the dates of the events in "HIS" life? Then they call HIM "LORD". Why did he not write himself? Could he? Does his message have other earlier sources? (some claim that even the "sermon on the mount" is a re-hash of a series of old Egyptian aphorisms. Was Jesus original? Why did the TRINITY, making Jesus a "God", only begin to exist after Constantine, the Roman Emperor? Why do the Christians not call ONE (God) by the same name as the Jews, as Jesus and the apostles probably did? (Yahweh, LOGOS, Elohim) Why call what the Jews probably called "I am THAT I am" (Moses) or Yahweh ("IT that has no name, no form, etc.."), by the Germanic words GOD (Goth), the FATHER or even the lowly, LORD? Why is there a gender in the Christian ONE? Even Angels (myths?) have no gender, being spirits. That is not Jewish or Greek of the time but of a few centuries after the death of Jesus of Nazareth, called the Christ (Messiah)?

No answers to the questions, just attacks on the messenger? Is that not typical "RELIGIOUS" modus operandi?... At least in western Christianity, we have removed enough secular power from the religions (Christianity) so they can't kill us anymore in the name of their gothic (German) God. The other Religions such as the Muslims et al, of the descendants of Abrahan have to re-form so as to remove the power to kill from the hands of the so-call "religious" so that we the citizens, the PEOPLE can begin the dialogue that must take place as we reach what Michio Kaku, physicist, calls: "CIVILIZATION ONE", the GLOBAL SOCIETY!!

Apparently, one can OFFER one's hatred (sins) to JESUS so he can wash one's sins away and then atone (become at- one) with the sinner (apparently all of US). One should not push one's hatred on one's fellow pilgrim on this rugged road of LIFE...


HOW LOVING!! See how they LOVE?

My heart, the pump for blood, is as soft and alive as everyone else's, even as the CHRISTIANS. That is another metaphor that is falsely taken "literally" by the "faith-based" belief systems. The heart is a PUMP, not the seat of our connection to the other world.

We are connected to ALL and are ONE with ALL everywhere and everywhen!! That is science, not religion!! There is not a greater connection at the heart than at the brain, or at the lowly rectum!! We are connected, and can't get out of ONE, the UNITY!!! What some call GOD!!

As JESUS, one can cry about hatred (probably as it is in one's own self) and cleanse oneself of it!!


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