Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The ONE for Atheists

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


ATHEISM, the belief that there is no "God", is certainly a belief that can be shown or proven to be TRUE in certain situations.

If God (or Gott), the variation on the name given to the "Creator" or "Supreme Deity", by the Germanc tribe, the Goths (also meaning God) and the Visigoths, (meaning Children of God or Goth)in the middle ages is to be accepted today instead of the choices of other cultures: eg.Yahweh, Elohim, Allah, Manitou, or any other non-judeo cultural concept of, and word for, the "Creator", such as the Father or Male Principle, the Greek Logos or the Atlantean ONE or the modern Sci-fi, the "FORCE" or the "SOURCE", then "God", (or Goth) by that definition, would portray that German tribe that invaded Europe, including Rome and Spain, in the Middle ages (circa 400 CE), as "GODS" and that can be said to be "NOT TRUE". There is no Goth civilization anymore. There should then be no Goth, Gott or God either and and although the historians claim that the "GOTHS" invaded Europe, to accept for ours, the word for the "Supreme Deity" of an extinct invading horde is not "high intellect" or logical. The Goths are now called Schandanavian, Hungarian, Germanic, etc..The name of our global "UNITY" should also change to a more "modern" and all encompassing "WORD".

The true Globally accepted phrasing of the question could then be one that is more scientific or intellectual or logical:

Is there a First Cause? Or is there a Unity (or Grand Unified Theory ie GUT) or a Unified Field Theory? Or A SINGULARITY at the Beginning of Time or even a Big BANG and/or is TIME itself a reality at all and not just a "tape measure"? Should TIME be given the Status of a "Dimension of Space" as we have done for 100 years now (almost)???

To believe that the answer to those questions is "NO" although irrelevant, is atheistic though not dogmatic and does not stop the conversation or the question: Is there a ONE, now? NOW? NOW??and on and on....

So we are still together or United and talking or dialoguing!!!


(4d-Don / July 31, 2006 - 00:56 am)

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