Tuesday, March 20, 2007

God is not MALE! God is not HE!

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


When will we as a society get it? The ONE (the UNITY), what some call God, is not a "HE" but an "IT". A SPIRIT or a PRINCIPLE have no GENDER!! OR has them all... So call IT - SHE/HE/IT...or Sheeit Man!!

At least the Christians should not call "IT" a "HE" as they already have the Male part of God (the TRINITY) in the SON (MALE) person of JESUS. There are no Feminines in the Trinity!! Just Male and SPIRIT or GHOST!!

So Jesus, a man from Nazareth, became a GOD 300 years after he lived on Earth, just like the Emperor Constantine, who insisted that JESUS become a GOD so the EMPEROR could worship HIM.

Let's use our grammar and our logic so we can communicate effectively and not be forever in "disagreement", about the ONE (God) gender, even to war in true religious fashion.

ONE IS!! or I AM THAT I AM!! (If one has to "personalize" IT...not HIM!!)


(4d-don / February 1st, 2007 - 01:40)

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