Tuesday, March 20, 2007

God as ONE or ZERO! Let's be RATIONAL!

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


To the "rationalist", what some religious people call "God" is really the ONE or the Unity of ALL of the varied parts of Creation and MORE (the GODHEAD). We can say that ALL (creation) is ONE (Creator) stuff. The Buddhists and some Eastern mystics place the ONE (GOD) into the "imaginary" with a "Zero". God is "not this, not that", they claim. The Mind then to make sense of these two concepts of the ONE/Zero, modified itself to communicate that abstract intellectual experience and philosophical knowledge. As a species, we developed a concept of the ONE before we evolved into using a concept of "Zero" in mathematics and then for the Creator. We can say that "Zero" is a useful imaginary (as in Time) evolution while ONE is a real or eternally changing Reality (as in Space). We can not doubt that there is "something" created. We exist. So to say that Zero is what created that "something" is as paradoxical as stating that the ONE simply IS and that IT created, at some arbitrary point in time the ALL (Creation) that we experience in a flow that we measure in space units and recently in TIME units.

The physical Reality was and is in Space and can be measured in meters. Our measurement of the "Reality in Space" with Time units (seconds) is a recent evolution as we, as a species, become more "abstract" and evolve into the "imaginary" and the "virtual". ONE is REAL, ZERO
is Imaginary until we find something real in what now seems like "Nothing". Zero is what we look into for the NEW!! Some look for the ONE in the Zero! Some seek the Zero in the ONE and the ALL! Mathematically and intellectually, it does not "compute" without some new Math.... ONE IS, Zero is

NAUGHT (NOT)!!! So 1 + 0= 1 and 1 - 0= 1 and 0 - 1 = -1 !! Is there an "anti God" as there is anti-matter? IF Zero is the ONE GOD, then How, When and Why the transition to a Creation (ALL)?? Nothing or zero can exist inside ONE but ONE cannot exist inside NOTHING without destroying it's quality of "NOTHING-ness".

(Don / August 11, 2006 - 08:04 pm)

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