Tuesday, March 20, 2007

God Answers Our Prayers! NOT!

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


God, according to the Religious elite, asks that we pray and send our problems at HIS (Male) FEET, but just like one "theist" poster on this site, God or the Religious Elite don't seem to know God's e-mail or postal address or they don't give it out. At least the Post Office has volunteers replying to letters from Santa Claus....

No one seems to answer for God, not the Elite (priests Or Ministers) and not even the BOSS (God) HIMSELF (male)!!!

(4d-Don / January 12, 2007 - 06:22 am)

To 4d-Don:

I'm assuming when you refer to Religious Elites, you mean they are bishops, priests, pastors and so on. Just to get one thing strait, no matter how "high" up on the "religious chart" they are, we are all equals. No one is better than anyone else.

On the part about prayers, no one can answer for God but God Himself. We have to remember that we can't always think of ourselves about getting what we want. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Prayers are always answered, we just tend to make up excuses for how they're answered. Coincidences, being "lucky", and everyday things we overlook are all God's work.

Sit down and have a prayer from the heart, and mean it. God will answer.

If anyone would like a prayer for them, I'm more than happy to pray for them.

(Byung Ho / January 24, 2007 - 09:54 am)

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