Friday, November 16, 2007

Personal THEISM Hides FEAR (of being alone )


For many who believe in a PERSONAL GOD (and hence a personal SATAN, LUCIFER, DEVIL), the "FEAR of Being Alone" is worse than the "fear of HELL"...IN HELL, one is "HOT" and not alone, as (apparently) MANY are the damned.

4d-don Said:

The first steps to "salvation" from the NEED for a personal GOD or THEISM, is to expose, deal with, and cure "SORROW", this loneliness, or sadness. (not the YEARNING which is POSITIVE). This Sorrow, is self-created as many (if not all) fantasies, but encouraged and guided by most RELIGIONS, through manipulation of our fear of being alone. It begins with the Proselytizer himself/herself being "afraid of being alone" and then CREATING or DISCOVERING a fantasy (anecdote, story, poem, song,) that relates or addresses that dis-ease and then presuming it in others through: generalized SCRIPTURES and other "Authorities" and then offering SALVATION from IT. And it is what the GROUP (Religions) offers.

If one is a "believer" in the first place, one, as part of the GREAT ONE (NUMBER), is "IN REALITY" never alone. It is not possible, and a fantasy, a delusion, or a false fear in itself.

The fear of DEATH, (another LORD who "comes like a thief") is the other facet of this fear of "the black hole" as opposed to the promised "HEAVEN" with the "white clouds", trickling water, green pastures, the fluffy little angels, and temperate heat, pleasant light and sound, "music", (no rhythm, ephemeral, no melody, so nothing to remember or "THINK OF"... just sounds but "NICE and SOFT")

Fantasies are nice but to believe them is ??

What's the difference between a Neurotic, a Psychotic, and a psychiatrist?

The neurotic builds castles in Spain, the Psychotic lives in them and the Psychiatrist collects the rent!!

In the case of RELIGIONS and GODS, THE PRIESTS collects the RENT for the POPES and the physical structure of RELIGION.

(4d-don / November 11, 2007 - 03:34 am)

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