Monday, January 21, 2008

The Fool and the Wise

Taken from the Atheism, the Capital Man

LEN said:

The fool in his heart says "there is no God".
(len / 20/01/08 - 14:11)

4d-don said:

The Wise "PERSON" in his/her heart says: "I don't know what CREATED the ALL" But the Fool, reading bad translations of the writings of questionable characters who lived thousands of years ago and wrote in a "living" language, into the rigid and static "Germanic" languages, blindly accepts and repeats.

They even add "willy-nilly": "GOD said" (NOT one was there): "Let there be LIGHT", or, "In the beginning was the WORD" (from the greek "LOGOS"), rather than giving the "LOGOS "the original philosohipical meaning of "LOGIC as defined by Sound using WORDS". It is just a Gothic or GERMANIC RIGID translation for a SPIRITUAL or abstract intellectual concept.

In the French Christian Bible, this same line is translated as: "In the beginning was the VERB"... or the ACTION...Much more "living", dynamic and Romantic!

If there is a ONE or a UNITY, it is not represented in my life by the Gothic or Germanic personal "GOD" of the Mono-THEISTS but is more in agreement with the: "I AM THAT I AM" of Moses, or the "NOT THIS ,NOT THAT", of Buddhism, or the YAHWEH ("IT" that has no name, no form, etc..) of the JEWS. (Notice the statement of the ONE, the UNITY, as claimed by Moses is not: "I am WHO I am). "THAT" represents a "thing", a genderless spirit (rarified energy), or a "PRINCIPLE" or a LAW...or a science and is LOGICAL. The ONE, the UNITY of ALL, is LOGICAL and can be discussed by our "SCIENCE"...

The Gothic (Germanic) "GOD" is personified tribal EMOTIONALISM of the past, and is presented as a FAITH-BASED Mystery to be accepted blindly, taking away all LOGIC and placing LOGIC as "not to be trusted", and as the TOOL of the DEVIL or SATAN. Another polarizing and DIVIDING MYTH created by the RELIGIOUS manipulators of the Middle East or the Mediterranean area, the desert tribes, descendants of Abraham!!

Even the "GOD" of the "Deist" (for Deus, latin for GOD The CREATOR or the ORIGINATOR) is not involved in the day-to day working of IT' s (not a MALE) UNIVERSE and does not answer prayers and favour one of it's units of creation and hate another unit of it's creation. Such logic is more in agreement with the atheist's "NO GOD" stand, than with the Mono-THEIST's tribal "PERSONAL" fantasy.

Oh yes! And only THEY can save us from the DEVIL...And only THEY get to HEAVEN, a reward not gauged on GOOD deeds or a GOOD life but on wether one "confessed" one's sins before dying or believed in "THEIR" GOD who is now a TRINITY, Jesus, a man, having been place as the second person in that TRINITY by Constantine, ( the Roman Emperor, so as to become a Christian and thus, escape the effects of his sins) This the PAGANS did not accept. It's a system for "SINNERS" or "Johhny-do-wrongs" who want to sin till the end, claiming to be doing the "will of GOD"!

IN THE REAL UNIVERSE, there is apparently a just Law of "action and reaction", another faith-based belief when applied to "re-incarnation".

Wether PEOPLE or personalities, are subject to that LAW and carry the effects of their deeds in their spirit (rarified energy field) and then in their genes to the next "re-birth" is still in question!

NO PROOF YET!! JUST ANECDOTES...Let's not be fooled again by the religious myths of other cultures who INVADE our shores...


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