Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Correct assumptions = correct deductions

This comment (as most comments on this siteA) was posted on this site:


One cannot reach correct deductions with in-correct assumptions.

Dewey B Larson... In "The Structure of the Physical Universe".

One can't reach ONE-ness unless one thinks one can!! One can't reach One-ness in communication unless one uses the words in agreed or logical "convention". We can describe the ONE (what some religions call by the "Gothic" name: "God" and some Greek philosophers called the LOGOS (logic, as defined by sound using words) by it's attributes or by what IT is NOT!! Solely Male or female it is NOT! It can continue or recreate IT-self in other ways such as Geometry that manifest as Forces (Motion) in lower dimensions. OR Continue to ETERNITY (no beginning, no end..so a principle)

ONE (What some call God) can not only be MALE or FEMALE as that would eliminate 50% of what we see as "CREATED", the Feminine......At best, IT (or SHE/HE/IT!! the exclamation is important) lol... is both and/or More!! I AM that I AM!!

IT IS that IT IS!!... LET IT BE!!
1960's Song by the Beatles...
(4d-don / 25/02/07 - 01:38)

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