Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The ONE as SHE/HE/IT!! (say it fast over and over)

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


OK! Let's try this ONE!!

How about we stop calling God or the ONE (Creator of ALL), "HIM"? Why not IT or SHE/HE/IT so as to include ALL, not just the "men" or not just the "women"? The ONE would have to be a "SPIRIT"? NO? Something more than "material". Spirit does not have a gender nor polarity! Let's come together at least on the "gender" if not the "name". The ONE "GOD", being everything and everywhere, and everywhen, is not a MAN or a WOMAN, for the love of GOD! LOL

Now we can decide if we believe in IT or not. At least IT is not a MAN!! We can come together on this!!!
After all, we are only "visitors" on this site...LOL

(Don / October 10, 2006- 02:03 am)

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