Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The ONE, The SINGULARITY, UNITY, The First Cause

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:


Theists more often than not, being unable to intellectually prove the existence of the ONE or the SINGULARITY or the FIRST CAUSE, drift into really strange ideas. When asked why the reading material in Sahaj Marg refered to God as Him, their Guru, Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari aka Chari, a Chemical engineer and retired CEO/ mill manager said: God is Male, Nature is Female. That should end the intellectual part of the discussion !!! LOL
In that case, I could be an Atheist. I certainly am not one of "those".

(Don / June 3, 2006 - 05:50 am)

If nothing existed, I could not say that I was an "atheist". Since something exists, I must say that either "something" always existed or "something" had a "beginning" or a "First Cause" and may have an end. If "Something" always existed (is eternal), there is no possibility of a creator or "First Cause", but maybe a LAW or a series of repeating coherent Patterns. Now Man can implant a mythical God or gods (nature) at any point in this "something".

If "something" did not always exist, then the First Cause would have to containt a "latent" imprint of all possibilities or an "implicit" existence throughout eternity that becomes "explicit" or created at intervals in its eternal existence and this Universe is one of those explicit out-breaths of this Implicit eternal.

The Mind, being inside the Illusion of Time, will never know the Eternal and can only touch the infinite when it gets outside of Time (ie in mediation, trance, etc..)

Intellectually, we will never know if there is a God or not. Emotionally, we hope there is something. Spiritually, we feel there must be something further that we can reach (timelessness) on the "INSIDE". Am I an Atheist? I Don't Know!!!!

The best I can do is to Love and respect both the Atheist and the Believer, so as to make a better world here in this multi-dimensional world , and just in case one (the Believer) is right!!!

(4d-don / 21/05/06 - 20:24)

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