Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Facts, Truths and Religions (Spirituality)


Alpha/Omega said:

Truth is fact! To have the truth one must be in its presence personally! Which of you were present in the beginning? NONE? So how do you know what is tuth!? What is FACT!?
(alpha/omega / 03/04/07 - 01:13)

4d-don said:

To claim that anything is "fact" and as such is static and "unchanging" in a dynamic Universe of MOTION and Change is simply FALSE. There are no (eternal) static facts and no (eternal) static Truth's, just a series of "changes" from one "outreach" of an "oscillation" to the other "inreach" of the same "oscillation". Everything is constantly in MOTION and nothing is at rest, not even the ONE, what some call "GOD". To be still is to DIE and the UNIVERSE, although a duality with "polarity" (positive/negative, Up/down, in/out, hot/cold, good/bad, true/false etc. is ALIVE.

The illusion that one side of the polarity, although more subjectively desireable to "US" as a self-centered being (ego), is more important than the other, is "RELIGION" and not the truth of LOGIC or SPRIT-UALITY (what I call a more rarified form of energy or logic) that allows for the MOTION of LIFE...and is not "stuck" in FACTS and TRUTH's...

"Spirits" (real or mythic), being energy, would not be "adherents" to "paths" or "adhesives" to be caught in the traps of materialistic logic. But some thinkers do try to conceive of the ancient Greek concept of LOGOS ("logic as described by SOUND, using words"...not Words as Facts or Truths) as a dynamic and logical ONE (GOD?) as the STARTING MOTION (not point...there is no point, only energy in motion) of our dualistic "MIND" and/or dualistic CREATION (or, the ALL), with all of it's conceptions (ideas). But one should not be "lead" solely by one's physical receptors and perceptors, many of which are tools of survival of the physical "carbon-based" part of our self, and as such, are physical. One must also use "principles" and other "higher" goupings of "a priori" logic and its "sensory mechanisms", such as "intuition" (intuitive perception) and what is now called ESP (Extra sensory perception).

Here is one "FACT" (NOT!), that seems to be static: Because of the rotation of the many components of the UNIVERSE, (and maybe the UNIVERSE itself), such as Groups of Galaxies, Galaxies, Star systems, and Atoms, TIME as a measurement of Change or MOTION, seems to go only in one direction, from past to future. "In this UNIVERSE" is the "important" point. lol

Then what about the MULTI-VERSE? What is the static FACT and TRUTH there?

Facts and Truths are the toys (illusions) that Religions sell....

(4d-don / 03/04/07 - 22:03)

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