Monday, May 14, 2007

My Song of Gratitude

My song of Gratitude

I feel so blessed to have lived in this SPACE and experienced these MOTIONs that I measure in TIME units of years, hours, minutes, seconds and in historical abstractions of centuries, millenia, eons, and now yugas, etc., as we become more Gobal and experience the influence of other older cultures such as India, China, and the many mixed races of all the other continents.

Our world is shrinking as our knowledge, and hence our abstract (and/or virtual) Reality is growing and getting larger. This experience of MOTION is not limited to this Time or Age but in this era, we seem to have developed mathematical methods of abstracting Space and Motion that is now putting TIME as a dimension (like the 3-dimensions of SPACE with its two directions in each dimension-for a 4d SPACETIME or Minkowski SPACE(time)) into question. TIME (clocks) may then become simply a measurement of distances and duration of MOTION, much as the ruler ( measuring tape) is a measurement of distances and duration of SPACE. The whole would then be called SPACEMOTION and replace SPACETIME.

Linear TIME seems to get stuck in "paradoxes" when envisionned from the expanse of Space. We have no greater Time than the TIME involved in the measurement of the Speed of Light before the paradoxes appear. In agreement with James Clerk Maxwell (of electromagnetic theory fame) we may have to open n... dimensions of Space into a "hyperspace" to fully comprehend the multi-dimensional REALITY of the UNIVERSE or Multiverse.

The possibility of Time Travel may be the Hollywood fantasy that we may have to sacrifice to the new SPACEMOTION Paradigm. The paradoxes around Time Travel for instance disappears when one realizes that the motion of the "relative" 3d reality can only be in "one direction" as far as the MOTION of Time is concerned, ie. from the past to the Future, with only the Present (NOW) opening into the 3d volume of our everyday experience.

SPACEMOTION allows for the 4th dimension (as the other n...dimensions) of Space to have two directions, an in and out motion (ana/cata) oscillating or in Motion. That Motion is measured in Time units. Unlike SPACETIME, SPACEMOTION then contains two real directions available to IT without the appearance of any paradox. Because of the rotation and orbits of planets, suns and galaxies in one direction only, TIME as a measurement of that MOTION, has only ONE direction! For time to have two directions, the planets, solar system, galaxy, would have to spin in both directions, and orbit in both directions, and the Galaxy would have to spiral in both directions etc...That IT does NOT do that is physical REALITY. The measurement of that direction or
Motion (in Time Units) can only in REALITY be in one direction: from past to future or in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics: entropy.

To have lived at such an age that allows me to play music, with (Band in the Box, software), and to communicate with the world (on-line), to debate, and to write my "BOOK" (on-line) is so exciting. I can still hide, but I don't have to... I can speak and be heard and from the information and words of others, that I will verify against still other's words, I will learn to recognize some qualities of the sender, just like smell, sight, sound, touch, now we have the psy's...We are taking back our
Psy's . lol ;-)) Knowledge, just as Justice, is now blind also. Knowledge was always blind, was but was only attached to an "expert". It was a case of the blind, leading the blind. Now, after realizing that knowledge is blind, we may finally see.

I feel like a tourist but I am still living at home. I have the best of both worlds.

As the next generation wants to control the many (3d) institutions that we, the "baby boomers", have created with our passing in such great numbers, we (the Boomers) will now move into the 4d (virtual) experience and there, we will again be the "majority" and "in the middle of the road" and can stay there if we want to.

I am so grateful... And it gets better in the future if we can learn to control the lower emotions wih the "intellect" that tool of the MIND, and allow the beauty and MOTION of the dynamic and transforming ONE (UNITY-or a demystified and de-pesonalized GOD) to come through "un-adulterated" by our filters as carbon- based life forms. Our carbon selves will eventually and inevitably change (morph or transition) to energy after a journey into the memory-retention capabilities of other elements such as silicon. This "energy" is our more real or higher
electromagnetic selves. We are creatures of LIGHT going through a "carbon phase". Our consciousness, thus linked to carbon in crystalized form, may even be a low-level electromagnetic emanation, and thus able to imprint and hold information on carbon, and hence able to remember for one lifetime, not more yet, for most of us.

Packets of this
information can and may adhere to itself by gravity and moves as units to be experienced by or linked to other electromagnetic entities and be called: deja vue, talent, gift, gut feeling, intuition, etc... These packets are not tied to linear TIME, but are in MOTION, and can be experienced as future memories such as prophesies as well as past memories or archives of the past (Akashic records).

Just a thought or two!

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