Saturday, July 7, 2007


See how they LOVE ONE ANOTHER!


4d-don said:

One can always tell who the Religious people are. They are the ones who wish their neighbours the curse of hell for eternity, and even create a space, the mythical ("hell") awaiting the "saintly" non-believers to go to forever. And not only for a crime or sin committed but also for the sins of "the Fathers" and/or if one does not take their delusional fantasy seriously. They even create a "Satan" to tempt one into "sinning" and to trick one into adhering to and believing in the his "non-existence".

Such fantasies are called "dogmas" or "truths". Satan's "modus operandi" to get one to believe that HE (male just like their minor tribal "GOD" and not the ONE) does not exist is to use one's desires and passions. In religion hides this spiritual "sickness" that we will have to define before we can evolve out of the childhood tantrums that are wars and "violence" against the fellow HUMANS. Even "intellectual" terrorism that is the fear created around this "punishment" of the religious hell, as if one was "guilty" from birth, has to be exposed as a societal disease that has to be "exorcised" as we reach "childhood's end", to quote Arthur C Clark.

(4d-don / June 24, 2007 - 06:44 am)

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