Friday, March 30, 2007

Faith and Belief in Religious and Spiritual "GURUS"

From into the Stillmess...Guru Yoga on:
Date: (3/26/07 12:32 pm)

Discussion on Faith and Systems, religions, spiritual Gurus etc...

Hi etern s e i and all...

According to Webster:

This is the definition of "Faith" according to the BIBLE (Christianity or Religion in general??)...

Faith is in general the persuasion of the mind that a certain statement is true (Phil. 1:27; 2 Thess. 2:13).

Its primary idea is trust. A thing is true, and therefore worthy of trust. It admits of many degrees up to full assurance of faith, in accordance with the evidence on which it rests.

Faith is the result of teaching (Rom. 10:14-17).

Knowledge is an essential element in all faith, and is sometimes spoken of as an equivalent to faith (John 10:38; 1 John 2:3).

Yet the two are distinguished in this respect, that faith includes in it assent, which is an act of the will in addition to the act of the understanding.

This is the Definitiion according to the "Devil's Dictionnary" (at the same site)...

FAITH, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.

One can see that the definition of "faith" is varied and broad so it could lead to many and varied opinions.

Faith seems to have an aspect of "remaining TRUE" so in that sense, unchanging....One can only have faith in something that will remain the same unless one has faith in its "changing" aspect. Then one has to define that "change" and then have faith that the change will take place as "defined"...

A belief (a doctrine) is not so "rigid" and can be assigned to societal structures (ideas, theories, groups, etc that can change as there is not necessarily proof at the present for the belief) (see Webster definitions below))

1. Any cognitive content held as true.

2. A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof.

The weight of the proof needed from "Faith" and "Belief" are what seems to distinguishe them.

FAITH can be said to have no need of proof or logical explanation. It is also more of an influence on one's life and/or furher "belief" systems one puts one's "faith" in.

BELIEF (such as Church doctrine) can change radically with time. For some adherents, regardless of the changes in doctrine, faith in the Church or structure, still remains.

The UNIVERSE seems to most of us, like a "ONE-time" event and we have no scientific evidence that although history seems to repeat, it is not really a true repeat but "almost" a repeat, as people, the receptors and/or interpreters of the experience of LIFE are different and our placing in SPACE is different thanks to MOTION of the SPHERES. Re-incarnation seems to suggest a repeat but in REALITY, re-incarnation can also be seen as a repeating of "cycles" and "packets (quanta) of spirit energy" rather that the repeating of the events, the whole person with memory, etc.....We can say that "wars" repeat but that is only the "generalized" wars, and not the "particular" war or the events in that war.

To assign to someone (a guru) more knowledge than one's self, about the multi-dimensional aspects of "LIFE" that does not repeat, is an assignment that should be "tested" every day and with every decision that is made on the advice of that particular "expert". One person (expert) can have more "knowledge" in one particular discipline such as "the jungle of Africa" and can hire out as a "guide" in Africa, but the same guide would be suspect and not taken seriously, if he offered "guidance" in any and every terrain and place in the UNIVERSE (on Mars or Jupiter... say?). An expert on LIFE is a "charlatan". We all have some knowledge, some more than others in one or more particular fields but NONE have all the knowledge except the ONE!! So faith should be for the ONE alone and not the "proxies" or self-styled and self-appointed representatives of the ONE (GOD)

Faith and belief in Spirituality and Religion are not mainly built on "experience" but on reading, learning and memorizing...not evidence. Faith in the "writings" of another man or group of men (religion) without knowing the individuals who's writings one is reading, their background, circumstance very dangerous. Faith, for most people, is not knowledge from experience. Experience itself is also too subjective to be a gauge of anything except of how we are all gullible and "easy to fool".

Faith is the easy way...It stops the cumbersome "Thinking process"with it's endless searches, debates, experiments, etc.....To the thinker, the process can go on with gratitude for the ability to "think". To others thinking is not so easy.

We can't know what ONE or UNITY (God) is from inside our own "duality", but we can describe some attributes of what the ONE is to us, such as GOD is ONE or UNITY (not Dual...such as the religious God inside the UNIVERSE and God outside at the same SPACE (outside of TIME) ...we can say, GOD is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient etc..We can also describe GOD as Thomas Acquinas,(1225-1274), a Christian Monk, by "what it is not" and there we get into the debates of "relgions"...There is no place where God is not (hell? outside the UNIVERSE)...UNI means ONE....There is no Greater God that the ONE God...A God that exists is greater than a God that doesn't exist...etc...

Faith and trust in our "assignments of attributes to the ONE" as if they were dogmas and doctrines will breed violence ... statements of Faith should be open to scrutiny like all beliefs and as such is not FAITH ...

Rigid adherence to a belief and/or faith means accepting "no change" and no evolution, knowledge from the "traditional" sources or "authorities" only (Churches, Academia, expertism, etc...) The ONE (God) of FAITH is STATIC, RIGID, and UN-MOVING....My ONE is MOTION ITSELF...

According to most "faith-based" religious belief systems, before Homo Sapiens, the pinnacle of the ONE's Creation, there was "NO KNOWLEDGE" to impart as man was needed as a receptacle for that knowledge, and then out of nowhere, MIND (Atman), and MAN appear. SOME now want to place that knowledge onto our experts (gurus) and their structures, and onto GOD alone and not onto the rest of the ALL (CREATION) such as on the atom, electron, photon, planets, suns, crystals, animals and us, the "unclean".. etc... NOT!!! The SUN shines on ALL....

Blind FAITH in Religious and Spiritual matters will not survive this age of the INFONAUT (Jewish Kabbalah-seven archtypes)....The experts, the autocrats and so-called "authorities" in matters of FAITH are going to be exposed for what they are: not worthy of the trust that FAITH demands of the SHEEP...(the followers or adherents (from: adhesive or glue or "stuck") ...Faith will be reserved for the ONE!! Belief will be for the experts (gurus), if they are "credible" and shown and proven to be "trustworthy".

LIFE IS DYNAMIC and Changing and in MOTION...I as a Spirit have no problem with that...It is not our MINDS that can't change but our EMOTIONS that tenaciously hang on to our past habits and ADDICTIONS of Beliefs and FAITH in structures that we needed in the past, but that we now see as they truly are. I see them as obviously, and now "visibly", as confirmed by our legal systems, as corrupt and needing our input to bring about the necessary change so that the next generation is not "victimized" by the religious "cronies" and old boys networks.

One of my songs..(inspired by ONE)

Sign of the TIME
by 4d-don

It' s a sign of the TIME, knowledge is blind
And Freedom is fleeting
Keep it in mind, you step out of line
You'll be walking alone
So run with the herd, carry the word
The Big Drum a-beating
Numbers are might, defending the "RIGHT"
As rigid as stone

They're pinning the route, knowledge about
The ONE and the ONLY.
Darkness that shone, two tablets of stone,
A voice from on high.
Think as you must, knowledge is just
A myth in the making
Wizards that fly, and old men that die
Are leaving behind!

Seek as you might, ONE that UNITES,
Religion's dividing.
They're taking the best, and leaving the rest
To fend on their own.
Heavens Above! Knowing that LOVE
Is all about caring.
Taking the Time, sharing the Dime,
The temples can wait!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The ONE God, and Divisions!!

This comment (as most comments on this site) was posted on this site:

Religion needs to think that the Part, itself, is the Whole (present of future) and once "they" get smarter or are "saved", they will see the "righteousness" or "our" True Religion. Those who are not religious, see that there are so many parts, or religions (including no religion at all) that forms the All that like me, they don't want to be in one of the parts, as that would imply that they are not part of all the other parts and hence, not part of, or divided from, the ONE.

This division is the gift of all religions. Religion divides, spirituality unites. The non-religious are the only ones who can cross over and link all the religious people into the ALL or the ONE....If we can just get them to stop fighting long enough to correct their megalomania and see that we are all part of the ONE or the Singularity. Some religious people think, in their disease, that they are the "teacher's pet", and are favoured of the ONE....

They are caught in an impossible concept of the ONE. "Be as nature" some claim but the sun, the wind, the rain or the other forces of nature such as the tides and the volcano does not favour the religious nor the atheist. That disease of the "favouritism of God" is worse than being an atheist is it not?

(4d-don / March 3, 2006 - 00:22 am)

The ONE and the LOGOS! Does Winning Matter?

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One does not discuss with the idea of winning, changing the other side, or saving the un-educated or un-elightened, is in a debate. But one wants to put out in the cosmos, certain frequencies (as in music), that are higher than, or un-tainted by, the red-end spectrum of emotions and more towards the blue-end frequencies of our intellectual properties of logic, and reason.

The concept the LOGOS of pre-pythagorean Greece comes to mind. It was a beautiful concept of the ALPHA or the ONE (or Singularity), To express the Unity, Oneness or togetherness, that somehow got perverted by religion of course. But it originally meant "Logic as defined by sound in the form of words". In the Bible, John, the apostle, writing in Greek, states: In the beginning was the "Logos", which got translated to "word" in Eglish, to "verbum" in Latin and to "verbe" in French. So from "Logic", to "word", to "verbe or "action"...The corrupting power of religion in its inability to deal with dynamic, living or changing languages with the primitive tools of emotional materialist societies, with their static, litteralist or sometimes dead languages.

As we all know that in most religions, words do not have to be "logical". They could just as well be grunts, without logical meaning to be taken on faith under threat of death of eternal damnation. That is a powerful toy that the religious "old boys", having believed in it since childhood and addicted to it since post puberty, refuse to give up as they get older and near death.

We, the un-enlightened "hopefuls" hope that the frequencies of logic and reason that we put out there will act as a template for the "Non thinkers" to fall into sub-consciously as an evolutionary matter of course. The non-thinkers of course will and must believe "religiously" that they got there on their own steam or by "inspiration" from above. I would rather think that the inspiration came from "inside". We, of course, must leave them that dignity. ie. to change at their own time and speed. It should not be difficult since Time is not a dimension as space, and we have unlimited or eternal Space to play with because of Motion.

So "no reason to get excited" as the song goes. (All along the Watchtower):-)

(4d-Don / March 21, 2006 - 01:14 am)

ONE- UNITY and Civilization!

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The Belief in a Unity or Singularity or a beginning is not the same a belief in religion. Also, a belief that there is some evidence of design (intelligent or ramdon) and evidence of randomness is just that a belief. Religion is not a science because of its dogmatic adherence to principles and tenets. To state that religion equates mental health is to see religion through rose-tinted glasses. Maybe buddhism could be categorized as healthy but that is a philosophy, not a religion.

The unhealthy, immoral and uncivilized actions of most relibions and religious adherents is recorded, one just has to research it with an open mind. I believe in the ordered, and disordered universe that I see and feel. I do not believe in the Judeo-Christian God, or the Hindu gods. They have not led to a just, healthy and civilized society. It's the humanity in people that rejected the religious dogmas and prejudices that gave us a somewhat "civilize\" society. It is still the religious adherents who act in an uncivilized manner... Where is their just and loving and forgiving God?

(4d-Don / March 25, 2006 - 08:01 pm)

The ONE, The SINGULARITY, UNITY, The First Cause

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Theists more often than not, being unable to intellectually prove the existence of the ONE or the SINGULARITY or the FIRST CAUSE, drift into really strange ideas. When asked why the reading material in Sahaj Marg refered to God as Him, their Guru, Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari aka Chari, a Chemical engineer and retired CEO/ mill manager said: God is Male, Nature is Female. That should end the intellectual part of the discussion !!! LOL
In that case, I could be an Atheist. I certainly am not one of "those".

(Don / June 3, 2006 - 05:50 am)

If nothing existed, I could not say that I was an "atheist". Since something exists, I must say that either "something" always existed or "something" had a "beginning" or a "First Cause" and may have an end. If "Something" always existed (is eternal), there is no possibility of a creator or "First Cause", but maybe a LAW or a series of repeating coherent Patterns. Now Man can implant a mythical God or gods (nature) at any point in this "something".

If "something" did not always exist, then the First Cause would have to containt a "latent" imprint of all possibilities or an "implicit" existence throughout eternity that becomes "explicit" or created at intervals in its eternal existence and this Universe is one of those explicit out-breaths of this Implicit eternal.

The Mind, being inside the Illusion of Time, will never know the Eternal and can only touch the infinite when it gets outside of Time (ie in mediation, trance, etc..)

Intellectually, we will never know if there is a God or not. Emotionally, we hope there is something. Spiritually, we feel there must be something further that we can reach (timelessness) on the "INSIDE". Am I an Atheist? I Don't Know!!!!

The best I can do is to Love and respect both the Atheist and the Believer, so as to make a better world here in this multi-dimensional world , and just in case one (the Believer) is right!!!

(4d-don / 21/05/06 - 20:24)

ONE as a NUMBER (a principle)

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Now that we have various number systems (real, integers, rational, irrational, etc)
that go into the complex and "imaginary" numbers with their various algebras (vector, quaternion, octonion, etc...), we as a species are developing theories that do not need a First Cause or a God. The dogmatic religious support for the "Big Bang" theory is now challenged by the more Spiritual "No-Singularity" theory that allows for eternal "Little Bangs", and the created-from-nothing "Big Bang" is retreating daily. The Branes theory (the source of the saying: it's a "no-braner") allows for "No-singularity" and no "Big Bang" but theorizes energy "membranes" that come together, and touch at irregular intervals of time and space to create "little Bangs" and/or whole Universes or Multiverses eternally.

As Science advances to fill the void of Space, with energy, matter and the products of the Mind, God and/or Religion retreats to fill the realm of "Spirit". Spirit could then be seen as just a more rarified form of energy than Matter and Mind.

Just a thought of inclusion!!

(Don / July 23, 2006 - 10:48 pm)

The ONE for Atheists

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ATHEISM, the belief that there is no "God", is certainly a belief that can be shown or proven to be TRUE in certain situations.

If God (or Gott), the variation on the name given to the "Creator" or "Supreme Deity", by the Germanc tribe, the Goths (also meaning God) and the Visigoths, (meaning Children of God or Goth)in the middle ages is to be accepted today instead of the choices of other cultures: eg.Yahweh, Elohim, Allah, Manitou, or any other non-judeo cultural concept of, and word for, the "Creator", such as the Father or Male Principle, the Greek Logos or the Atlantean ONE or the modern Sci-fi, the "FORCE" or the "SOURCE", then "God", (or Goth) by that definition, would portray that German tribe that invaded Europe, including Rome and Spain, in the Middle ages (circa 400 CE), as "GODS" and that can be said to be "NOT TRUE". There is no Goth civilization anymore. There should then be no Goth, Gott or God either and and although the historians claim that the "GOTHS" invaded Europe, to accept for ours, the word for the "Supreme Deity" of an extinct invading horde is not "high intellect" or logical. The Goths are now called Schandanavian, Hungarian, Germanic, etc..The name of our global "UNITY" should also change to a more "modern" and all encompassing "WORD".

The true Globally accepted phrasing of the question could then be one that is more scientific or intellectual or logical:

Is there a First Cause? Or is there a Unity (or Grand Unified Theory ie GUT) or a Unified Field Theory? Or A SINGULARITY at the Beginning of Time or even a Big BANG and/or is TIME itself a reality at all and not just a "tape measure"? Should TIME be given the Status of a "Dimension of Space" as we have done for 100 years now (almost)???

To believe that the answer to those questions is "NO" although irrelevant, is atheistic though not dogmatic and does not stop the conversation or the question: Is there a ONE, now? NOW? NOW??and on and on....

So we are still together or United and talking or dialoguing!!!


(4d-Don / July 31, 2006 - 00:56 am)

God as ONE or ZERO! Let's be RATIONAL!

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To the "rationalist", what some religious people call "God" is really the ONE or the Unity of ALL of the varied parts of Creation and MORE (the GODHEAD). We can say that ALL (creation) is ONE (Creator) stuff. The Buddhists and some Eastern mystics place the ONE (GOD) into the "imaginary" with a "Zero". God is "not this, not that", they claim. The Mind then to make sense of these two concepts of the ONE/Zero, modified itself to communicate that abstract intellectual experience and philosophical knowledge. As a species, we developed a concept of the ONE before we evolved into using a concept of "Zero" in mathematics and then for the Creator. We can say that "Zero" is a useful imaginary (as in Time) evolution while ONE is a real or eternally changing Reality (as in Space). We can not doubt that there is "something" created. We exist. So to say that Zero is what created that "something" is as paradoxical as stating that the ONE simply IS and that IT created, at some arbitrary point in time the ALL (Creation) that we experience in a flow that we measure in space units and recently in TIME units.

The physical Reality was and is in Space and can be measured in meters. Our measurement of the "Reality in Space" with Time units (seconds) is a recent evolution as we, as a species, become more "abstract" and evolve into the "imaginary" and the "virtual". ONE is REAL, ZERO
is Imaginary until we find something real in what now seems like "Nothing". Zero is what we look into for the NEW!! Some look for the ONE in the Zero! Some seek the Zero in the ONE and the ALL! Mathematically and intellectually, it does not "compute" without some new Math.... ONE IS, Zero is

NAUGHT (NOT)!!! So 1 + 0= 1 and 1 - 0= 1 and 0 - 1 = -1 !! Is there an "anti God" as there is anti-matter? IF Zero is the ONE GOD, then How, When and Why the transition to a Creation (ALL)?? Nothing or zero can exist inside ONE but ONE cannot exist inside NOTHING without destroying it's quality of "NOTHING-ness".

(Don / August 11, 2006 - 08:04 pm)

ONE or Christ as Part of God the CREATOR!

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I wonder why those who believe in Christ as "part of" the Creator of the Universe not call that Creator by the same name Christ did? Christ did not call his Creator "God", he used a "jewish" and/or at least a word from that "period". The word "God" is from a "Goth" culture that existed much later. There are two names in the Christian Bible for the Creator of the Universe: Yahweh, and Elohim from the two founding tribes of the nation called "Israel". John calls it the "Word", a perversion of the Greek concept of "logos" meaning "logic as described by sound using words". It got translated later to "the Word" but at least it is an "energy" and not a "person". The Jewish meanings for the ONE are: IT that has no name, no form, etc...

To refer to the ONE "God" as a "Person" and to seek a "personal God" is so "materialist" and "Atheistic" and so "un-spiritual" but is "religious".

(Don / September 20, 2006 - 19:02)

The ONE or GOD as "LORD"?

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Here is another one. Why do Christians call the ONE (God or the CREATOR) and Christ by the lowly title: "LORD". Is that not too lowly a title and a bit of an "insult" or "blasphemy". The Creator of ALL is not the "Emperor" or the "king" but is at the level of The British House of LORDS and Lord Conrad Black. Christ and the ONE God or the CREATOR all have the same title. In one song, "HE" (the Masculine) is "LORD of Lord" and "KING of King" but not "EMPEROR of Emperor"! HMMM! Strange lot these "theists"!! Not very "logical" or "co-herent, for a bunch of "adherents" as in "adhesive" or "sticky" or "glue" (sticking to a dogma and not moving such as "stuck".

Flawed theology, creates flawed philosophy and psychology and flawed institutions and structures (pyradmidal), and finally flawed individuals with personalities that are always in "stress" even to war!!

Let's chose a better name for the ONE-ness of ALL that will unite us rather that divide us in our Ultimate and/or our Creative impulse. Maybe then, we can feel "UNITED" or ONE...and not eliminate tension, but finally stop the stress, hopelessness, futility and waste of war!!


(4d-don / October 4, 2006 - 01:36 am)

The ONE as SHE/HE/IT!! (say it fast over and over)

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OK! Let's try this ONE!!

How about we stop calling God or the ONE (Creator of ALL), "HIM"? Why not IT or SHE/HE/IT so as to include ALL, not just the "men" or not just the "women"? The ONE would have to be a "SPIRIT"? NO? Something more than "material". Spirit does not have a gender nor polarity! Let's come together at least on the "gender" if not the "name". The ONE "GOD", being everything and everywhere, and everywhen, is not a MAN or a WOMAN, for the love of GOD! LOL

Now we can decide if we believe in IT or not. At least IT is not a MAN!! We can come together on this!!!
After all, we are only "visitors" on this site...LOL

(Don / October 10, 2006- 02:03 am)

Unity of the ONE in SPACEMOTION

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I know of the UNITY or the ONE-ness of the ALL.

The ONE being the CREATIVE, the ALL being the CREATED.

The ONE being the ONE-ness OF ALL, and the ALL being MADE of the ONE.

E=MC^ SPACEMOTION...on the OCTAVE...(as light, sound, etc)

TIME and infinity being mathematical abstractions and illusions. SPACE and the Continuum or "Duration", (ETERNITY) being CREATED by the PRESENCE of MATTER and/or ENERGY (Electro-magnetic, and other more rarified forms of Energy yet to be "named", and not being "absolute" in and of itself.

THE "ONE" as revealed via the "intuition" to
(4d-Don / November 21, 2006 - 11:39 pm)

God Answers Our Prayers! NOT!

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God, according to the Religious elite, asks that we pray and send our problems at HIS (Male) FEET, but just like one "theist" poster on this site, God or the Religious Elite don't seem to know God's e-mail or postal address or they don't give it out. At least the Post Office has volunteers replying to letters from Santa Claus....

No one seems to answer for God, not the Elite (priests Or Ministers) and not even the BOSS (God) HIMSELF (male)!!!

(4d-Don / January 12, 2007 - 06:22 am)

To 4d-Don:

I'm assuming when you refer to Religious Elites, you mean they are bishops, priests, pastors and so on. Just to get one thing strait, no matter how "high" up on the "religious chart" they are, we are all equals. No one is better than anyone else.

On the part about prayers, no one can answer for God but God Himself. We have to remember that we can't always think of ourselves about getting what we want. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Prayers are always answered, we just tend to make up excuses for how they're answered. Coincidences, being "lucky", and everyday things we overlook are all God's work.

Sit down and have a prayer from the heart, and mean it. God will answer.

If anyone would like a prayer for them, I'm more than happy to pray for them.

(Byung Ho / January 24, 2007 - 09:54 am)

God is not MALE! God is not HE!

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When will we as a society get it? The ONE (the UNITY), what some call God, is not a "HE" but an "IT". A SPIRIT or a PRINCIPLE have no GENDER!! OR has them all... So call IT - SHE/HE/IT...or Sheeit Man!!

At least the Christians should not call "IT" a "HE" as they already have the Male part of God (the TRINITY) in the SON (MALE) person of JESUS. There are no Feminines in the Trinity!! Just Male and SPIRIT or GHOST!!

So Jesus, a man from Nazareth, became a GOD 300 years after he lived on Earth, just like the Emperor Constantine, who insisted that JESUS become a GOD so the EMPEROR could worship HIM.

Let's use our grammar and our logic so we can communicate effectively and not be forever in "disagreement", about the ONE (God) gender, even to war in true religious fashion.

ONE IS!! or I AM THAT I AM!! (If one has to "personalize" IT...not HIM!!)


(4d-don / February 1st, 2007 - 01:40)

Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa Claus and GOD (the ONE)

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This comment was a reply to the comment by Byung Ho (I added it below my reply)...


For those who believe in Santa Claus and believe that "women come from the Rib of MEN" because "it is written" by MEN, not the ONE (GOD), the Female (women) have an "Extra Rib", not the MALE...

And try and ask a scientist even the scientists "cloners", to make a Female from a Male using a "rib" and you might get a patronizing "chuckle"! Don't tell your kids that you are trying to be "rational' or use "logic"...

Is it not like a Religious person, who speaks as if he "knows" because he "read it" in a book, he were told, and believed, was the word of GOD by people who make a living (so not "impartial", or "unbiased") off the backs of the POOR??

May you forgive yourself your own "sins", you who are born "sinners" and will die sinners, and try and love yourselves and then maybe you will love your neighbour and your wives and daughters and not debase them to thinking that they are originally created from the rib of Man, cy another Man, God, just because someone told you so. Use your NOGGIN!! (head)

We who believe in ONE are the sons and daughters of the ONE and equal before the ONE which is a principle or a LAW (as in physics) or a "SPIRIT" and not a MAN or a PURPOSE...

Religious people try and avoid (in shame) that there are no FEMALES in their TRINITY because they have no answers but to perpetrate that age-old tribal and feudal SEXISM of past patriarchal societies for their FUNDAMENTALISM and LITERALISM!!

You gotta laugh b'cause it's not funny!!!

(4d-don / February 11, 2007 - 06:46 am)

To 4d-don: (by Byung Ho)

Whoa whoa whoa, you should know that Jesus didn't become GOD. The Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God are all separate in purpose, but one in being. That sounds like a Mormon thing to say that someone can become a God. Not to be sexist, but woman are derived from man. It's in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Yes, I understand where you might be coming from about genders, but that is a "human" word. As well as male and female. God created man in his image and from there women came from man (Adam's rib?).

(Byung Ho / February 7, 2007 - 05:09)

God as Gender- Based ( MALE-HIMSELF)

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Still "God Himself" eh? A SPIRIT is not MALE.

The ONE, what some call God and arrogantly give IT an (one or more) attribute of MALE-ness, as if they "know" IT, the ONE (GOD) is the apex of ignorance of the nature of Matter, Mind, and SPIRIT.

Matter, can have Polarity, Gender, but mind and spirit have to be "IT" not HE or SHE. It's simple. IT IS NOT A MALE... IT IS NOT A FEMALE...IT IS that IT IS!!

The attributes of Electro-magnetism, although they can be broken down into "positive" and "negative", those attributes cannot then be transfered willy-nilly to male and female in biology nor in intellect (a positive thought would be male and a negative thought would be female), or spirituality (God is a MALE) SPIRIT as GOD with only MALE attributes... Then Femininity is "outside of God" or an "afterthought"

Want to buy a bridge??
(4d-don / February 23, 2007 - 07:35 am)

Levity on the meter of the "OUR FATHER" (Christian)

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Levity on the meter of "Our Father", The Lord's (MOTION) Prayer"

Our MOTION is art in heaven!
Hello is my name!
I am done so turn me over!!

Give me this TIME and SPACE and MEDS
LEAD me... NOT! In Transformation!
And I'll do a good deed to somebody everyday...

Thanks to: Dewey B Larson at:
(4d-don In tribute to Dewey P Larson / 25/02/07 - 01:11)

Correct assumptions = correct deductions

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One cannot reach correct deductions with in-correct assumptions.

Dewey B Larson... In "The Structure of the Physical Universe".

One can't reach ONE-ness unless one thinks one can!! One can't reach One-ness in communication unless one uses the words in agreed or logical "convention". We can describe the ONE (what some religions call by the "Gothic" name: "God" and some Greek philosophers called the LOGOS (logic, as defined by sound using words) by it's attributes or by what IT is NOT!! Solely Male or female it is NOT! It can continue or recreate IT-self in other ways such as Geometry that manifest as Forces (Motion) in lower dimensions. OR Continue to ETERNITY (no beginning, no a principle)

ONE (What some call God) can not only be MALE or FEMALE as that would eliminate 50% of what we see as "CREATED", the Feminine......At best, IT (or SHE/HE/IT!! the exclamation is important) lol... is both and/or More!! I AM that I AM!!

IT IS that IT IS!!... LET IT BE!!
1960's Song by the Beatles...
(4d-don / 25/02/07 - 01:38)