Thursday, December 6, 2007

Infinity and Eternity to a Theist, a Deist and an Atheist

Infinity and Eternity to a Theist, a Deist and an Atheist...

Since we are already above our heads, the "conditional" "tense" is the one to use so as to avoid any dogmatism.

The mathematical "Infinity" can have a beginning but no end. The religious and philosophical "Eternity" has no beginning and no end, and is commonly thought of as "existence outside of Time". Although MOTION (measured by the tape measure called TIME) and MATTER (measured in METERS) (aka: the physical or crystal Universe), have a beginning according to religious scriptures, but no end as yet, MATTER and the "measuring tape" of MOTION that is "TIME", could be infinite. MOTION and SPACE on the other hand, could be Eternal and not need a "first cause" and be a product of geometry. A ball near the top of a hill does not need a "pusher" to get it started. The Eternal ONE, the UNITY (a principle, not a person), could be eternal perfection or perfect geometry "in MOTION" and could create the physical Universe from and of MOTION. The hill mentioned above could be described as a tendency or potentiality towards ONE or UNITY using "attractive gravity", complemented by a state I call "the Many" or "diversity "(as we see REALITY today), or the ALL (to bring in a concept of UNITY or ONE) using a "repulsive gravity", thus making gravity a real "FORCE" with an attractive and a repulsive state.

The quantum soup at the small end of the quantum theory could also be present and at work at the cosmic "multiverse" level, and our space (Universe) would constantly be merging with other smaller or larger Universes, as in a boiling pot of water where one bubble (universe) swallows another smaller bubble and becomes larger without the process destroying the smaller bubble but giving it more SPACE or a larger and longer "existence". (see the Kybalion published by the Yogi Publication Society at the Masonic Temple, Chicago, Ill. USA (1912) : "as below, the same above")

A theist, being generally "monotheistic" these days, believes in ONE (what some call GOD), Who (a person not the "I AM THAT I AM" of Moses in the Judeo-Christian Bible) is sometimes divided in two (Duality), or three-(Trinity) aspects, and HE is involved in the daily workings of His (male) Universe. HE (male) answers prayers and favours some of his "children" with blessings (luck and victories) and others with trials (sufferings, bad luck, and defeats). HE (male) has emotions, gets angry, is pleased and please-able by his creation, etc... The theist believes in that God as being ETERNAL, and having "no beginning and no end" unlike "HIS" (male) Universe which has a "beginning" and is hence a "CREATION" of that monotheist Deity (Deus) called GOD by the Germanic tribes of old, and their modern descendants.

But in many monotheistic (Christian) prayers that end with: "world without end, Amen!", that "world" that was created at a point in Space and TIME (or at ALL SPACETIMES at once), by ONE (the involved GOD) so must have a beginning, we are now told, has "no end". That Space/Time, and the energy/matter in the Universe have no end is generally accepted by theists, deists and atheists alike, and we can safely say that all can be said to be "infinite". But "eternal"? Not necessarily.

The "theistic" belief system is supported, theists claim, by the "theory" of the BIG BANG in cosmology, the Big Bang being a representation of the scriptural "Creation". From NO-THING, magically appears SOME-THING created by the commands of this "GODMAN" person or Spirit called Yahweh/Elohim, and later Deus (Roman - latin), and God (Goth-Germanic-English). This (the Big Bang) is called a "scientific" theory and it can explain some aspects of the data collected about the cosmic physical Universe but not the "Beginning" of this Universe.

But the theist's Universe that has "no end" and is therefore "endless", but was created by "GOD" and hence has a "beginning", can not truly be called an "ETERNAL" world but it can be more accurately called an "infinite" world. An Eternal world or UNIVERSE would have "no beginning (so no creation) AND no end". The theist's ONE (GOD) can be "eternal" but HIS (MALE) Creations: the universe, heaven, hell, purgatory, limbo, etc. having a scriptural beginning (creation) but no end, are more accurately called "infinite", not "eternal".

For the theists to quote apocalyptic scriptures and to use the fear mechanism of "the end of the world" with its "rapture" for the "favoured", and the damnation of "hell for eternity" for the rejected, does not compute rationally, not to question the "justice" of such an "eternal reward" and/or an "eternal punishment". To claim to know the time of such cosmic destruction of "EVERYTHING" from Scriptures and/revelation is fantasy that borders on megalomania and "psychosis". The Universe, as we have seen, can not be called ETERNAL according to religious scriptures but now, HEAVEN and HELL are supposed to be (eternal) according to some other Holy Scriptures (Judeo-Christian). But heaven and hell must have a beginning and must have been, at some past time, the creations of that same ONE (the involved GOD) and hence must, at most, be "infinite", and not "ETERNAL". Anything that has a beginning but has no end is not called ETERNAL but "infinite". One can say that heaven and hell go on for "infinity". To be eternal, they would have to have existed before the creations of the ONE (what some call GOD), before the "sins" were committed by IT's CREATURES. What came first, the theist's ONE (God) with HIS favoured: virtue/sin, or HIS punishement: heaven/hell?

To a Deist, ONE is not involved in the working of ITS (Neuter) Universe and is more a principle, a process or a LAW. Being a process, IT can TRANS-FORM ITSELF from Spirit form, to mental form, to energy form, and even to plasma, gas, liquid, and crystaline form (the material world) and can BE the UNIVERSE, and not just be the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE. The Deist ONE CAN BE the UNIVERSAL process that forms the UNI-VERSE through MOTION (trans-formation of ITSELF). ("uni=one "verse"-as in a song or a poem) . To a Deist, the cosmological Multiverse theory and/or the absence of a "Singularity" or a "BIG BANG" does not pose a "theological" problem.

Both Infinity and Eternity are commonly thought of as "endless" by all.

The DEIST (from latin:Deus-God uninvolved, as in a PRINCIPLE) at this stage of the discussion, is more adaptable than the THEIST (greek: Theos-God as a PERSON, directly involved), and is almost as rational as an ATHEIST.

Is there such a thing as an "a-Deist" out there opposing Deism? I don't think so! There is no "need"!

It is the "THEIST", or THEISM that needs a RE-FORMATION and a REALITY check! It's TIME to take off the "rose-colored" glasses and check out the "MAGIC" and "FANTASY" in all belief systems before they bring about and make a reality of their divisiveness to the point of demonizing and attacking and even destruction (war) of their detracters, or their self-fulfilling prophesy of the "end of the World"...which is another fantasy that they could make happen since the advent of the nuclear age!


If there is such a thing as a rarified state of matter/energy beyond "mental" or "intellectual" energy, called "SPIRIT", then "we" are IT also, and hence, "we" have the Spirituality, and obviously the refined "intellect", as the Theist relies on "FAITH", and has rejected or suspended intellect. If there is a "trans-formation" or a "re-formation" to be had we the "non-believers", the "outsiders", or the "damned" as the RELIGIOUS call us, or as I call us, the "true believers in REALITY", can help make it happen...We can do it!

Just expose and question! Don't accept Fantasy, Magic or Mystery as THE Answer! TRUE REALITY IS MAGICAL ENOUGH! WE ARE THE INFONAUTS! LOGIC is our TOOL. ONE or UNITY IS SIMPLE! SO IS ETERNAL SPACEMOTION!

As Jean-Luc Picard of the Star Ship Enterprise (a fantasy) said: MAKE IT SO!

or AMEN! ;-))

My imaging of the concept of the 2 sides of the 2 dimensional LOGOS (logic) PYRAMID: (in latin)

In excelsis, ex Uno Pluria
(In the highest, from ONE, many)
In excelsis, e pluribus Unuum
(In the highest, from many, ONE)

The theist would say:
In excelsis Deo!

In other words: DON'T THINK! Just Believe what we say! or be Damned!
I placed the words above in a "Christmas song" called "The Bells Of Christmas Day".

By 4d-Don (SOCAN)
Key of E (Capo 2....Play D) in 4/4 Time-Folk
(Notes inside Brackets are walking base runs-a 3-note intro base run starting on an D-E-F# note capoed at 2nd fret. Starting note and chord is D(A)

D(A) D(G) D(F#) D(E) G(D) G(F#) A7(E) A7(A) A-B-C#
I hear the bells of Christmas day

D(D) A7(E) Bm(F#) G(D) A(F#) A(E) D(F#) D(D)
Although there are no stee ples around

D(A)D(G)D(F#) D(E) G(D) G(F#) A7(E) A7(A) A-B-C#
And all of na ture bids me stay
D(D) A7(E) Bm(F#) G(G) A(F#)A(E) D(D) D(D) D(D) D-E-F#
To live in har mo ny and join in the Sound


D D(F#) G A
Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong

D A7(E) Bm/F# G F#m(F#) A(E) D D
In ex cel sis ex u - no pluria

D D (F#) G A
Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong

D A7(E) Bm/F# G A(F#) A(E ) D D
In ex cel sis e pluri bus unum

I pray the stars light Bethleem
I pray the city lights don't burn you down
I pray the world one day unites
To live in harmony and join in the Sound

I pray for Peace in New Salem (Jerusalem)
I pray the Gods of War, don’t burn it down
I pray in Peace we all abide
And live in harmony and join in the Sound

I pray for joy throughout the year
I pray the sounds of joy don’t drown out the tears
I Pray in light we all abound
And sing in harmony and join in the Sound.

For more...see my comments on: