Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Taken from:

The personal "GOD" of the Christians, Allah of the Muslims, and even the "no-name, no form" Yahweh/Elohim of the Jews, is more of a POLITICIAN and Military leader with Male (testosterone) emotions, some favourites or "pets", than a CREATIVE Process or a LAW without a "personality".

The personal Christian "G-o-d", made up of two closed-mouth consonants "G-D" enclosing the open-mouth vowel "O", comes from the word Goth, of the Germanic tribe, the Goth (Ostrogoths- Eastern Goths, the Visigoth- Western- Noble- Children of Goth), who along with their cousins, the Vandals, (who gave us "vandalism") sacked Rome in the 4th centruy as they were being displaced from their land by the advancing Huns)

We are seeing the resurgence of the GOTH culture in our youth. The current Gothic youths seems to be doing to the current culture what the ancient Goths did to the "Holy Roman Church" that had become the ruthless and terrorist state religion of the disintegrating Roman Empire, in the 4th century, following the Byzantine (roman) emperor, Constantine.

From that "take-over" of Constantine (the State), of the small "Jesus movement", also came the Trinity of God, making Christ the second person in a Divine Trinity, so Constantine, also a (pagan) GOD could become a Christian and have his sins of the murder of members of his family forgiven as offered by Christianity. This the pagan religion would not do. Constantine had a Church built at Byzantium with 12 podiums on columns, for the statues of the apostles (now limited to 12men, with no women, even the ones who stood at the cross as Jesus, the Nazarene, died and the twelve male apostles were hiding in fear of receiving the same fate), and one podium for himself, the GOD, Constantine. From the Council of Nicea came the Nicene Creed, whereby all Christians pledge to believe this "TRUTH".

Later came invasion of the Huns and migration of the VISIGOTHS (Western, Noble or the Children of Goth or God), and the Vandals who sacked Rome and defeated the Romans led by Valens.

To read the Nicene Creed from the Council of Nicea organized by Roman Emperor Constantine in 325 CE.

For translation of the document from the Council of Nicaea (Nicea or Nice)

The battle of the Goth versus the Christian (Roman) Church/Empire although brought about by the advancing invasions of the Huns, is similar to the later Master Race (Nazis-German) versus the "chosen people" (Jews) for the position of the "favourites" or the Teacher's Pet or the ONE (what is now commonly called G-O-D in the Germanic languages, that include "English"). The Catholics, under Constantine believed in a Trinity as pledged by Constantine's Nicene Creed, the Visigoths followed the teachings of the Egyptian Bishop Arius, who did not believe in the TRINITY and the inclusion of Jesus of Nazareth as GOD. The Goth thought and showed themselves as the "prefered" of God with their overt suffering (hence the white painted faces and dark clothes, flagellation, etc.).

Let us at least call the UNITY or the ONE, what we, homo sapiens, are "hard-wired" for, according to recent science, the "mystical experience", by a name that is ONE or UNIVERSAL and that has no human attributes such as GENDER, Emotions, Moods and is not a PERSON. The Goth empire is no more but we kept the "gothic arch" in Church architecture, and their name for the Creator: Goth or God.

Just a thought...

(4d-don / 11/09/07 - 20:46)

Monday, September 10, 2007

The LAW-From ONE to ALL including ATHEISTS


For all "Christians" and other THE-ists (From the Greek Theos=God the ONE Creator)?...(notice that it's close to "THEY", the sacred INSTITUTE of "THEY"). Well, THEY died... I heard it on the NEWS and THEY never lie. lol ;-))

The culture that gave you (and us) "Christ", your Messiah (Saviour) and the Old Testament in the Bible has many myths and symbols.

Do Christians ever wonder why the culture who's history is carried in a "sacred document", includes the concept of the primacy of the "LAW"?

If we look at other cultures guided by the "LAW" carried in their Sacred Books of MYTHS and SYMBOLS, including the LAW OF ONE of the MYTHIC (or even SYMBOLIC) lost Atlantean culture, one finds the same guiding compendium of moral and ethical tenets of that culture at that time including some "un-elevated" and "survivalist" tenets such as the "discrimination" against "homosexuality".

The tribe, to remain "vital", has to sustain it's numbers or grow, and the historic "male/female" copulating was necessary at some past historic time for the survival of the tribes. Inner and inter-tribal copulating was the norm with a few "outside" sperms and/or eggs added to diversify the gene-pool. This "inspiration" to explore other territory and spread the "seeds", came to the "rebels" and/or misfits of the clans, the explorers and the adventurers.

The same for some "cleanliness laws such as: "menstruating" women were not to swim in the pools and/or ride in a saddle at the time of the "curse" that was menstruation.

If these LAWS were inspired by The ONE or THE UNITY (what some call God, the Creator, etc) either through "evolution" or "mind meld" as in the sci-fi Star Trek or the "Divine inspiration" of the theists, then "IT" seems to have given "IT" broad and wide to many and maybe all cultures at different "evolutionary" times and changed "IT" (the so-called "inspiration") as the need and the "knowledge base" changed.

That would be like a "ONE" or a "UNITY" which is not "tribal" but UNIVERSAL as in ONE - VERSE....(uni=one)

Sing together my children!! Together we are a "symphony". You (we) all have the same "inspiration" or "IT" from the ONE (Creator) to the ALL (Creation). Some (humanists, atheists) get it through "evolution", some (theists, religious, cultists) get it through "inspiration" and some (adherents to the other theisms, "religions" and cults) get it through "myths and fantasies" and some get IT from other games of the Universal MIND.

(4d-don / September 06, 2007 - 08:53 pm)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Want " faith"? Ask "HIM" Properly!


Atheists Are Irrational said:

Faith : "to believe because God has revealed it to you". But why should God if you don't ask properly, of even bother at all? But faith has been redefined as "Belief without knowledge" by modern secularists. That kind of self-justifying re-writing of things is all over your site. You blind yourself.

By the way the proper definition of atheist is "To deny the gods", and not 'unbelief' as you claim, which is actually a form of agnostic.

Ironic that atheists do not have proof that God does not exist. While Christians at least have the potential of a genuine mechanism of proof (God revealing himself).
(Atheists Are Irrational / September 02, 2007 - 11:56 pm)

4d-Don said:

Does one have to ask the sun for heat and light? Does one have to ask for, not the "force" but the "geometry" of Gravity. Does one have to ask the Wind to blow? The REALITY or the ONE is revealed to ALL without asking. The darkness that is '"BLIND faith" hides the day of logic with all it's so-called "light". Would you again make war and destroy those who do not "BELIEVE" in your "gods" as your fundamentalist ilk have done for centuries?

We, the INFONAUTS are redefining what is "proper". I don't know if you heard but "THEY died"!! We are the "authority" on our lives and what we believe. The "gods" along with fairies, devils, imps, devas, and the other "personal" creations of a frightened "authority" is not what I believe. I believe in the ONE or UNITY of LIFE...not a minor desert tribal "god" who is always angry, at war. The Bible is the path to immorality that is supposed to lead to the GREAT MORALITY. NOT!! A fiction originated by "camel-dung eating" prophets and con-men of religion to manipulate the masses and be supported by the "middle classes".

GOD IS NOT A MALE according to John 1, but a "WORD". Christians, to be as John, the mystic and probably Essene (not Paul, the murderer, or the doctor, or the tax-collector) should at least make the ONE a "SPIRIT" and not a MALE PERSON who REVEALS (dreams) to an ELITE. The ElITE then re-write and claim that it was the POOR who were the messengers, and the prefered of this minor tribal "god".

One cannot prove the "non-existence" of something such as "elves", "fairies", some "theology" (study of the ONE-What some call Theos, LOGOS or the CREATOR,the SINGULARITY, the UNITY and "god") such as Thomas Aquinas (the monk and Saint, who was muzzled by the CHURCH in his lifetime).

(4d-Don / September 04, 2007 - 09:03 pm)