Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mutiny of the Infonauts

From: http://atheisme.free.fr/Votre_espace/Visitors_book.htm

Trulee said:

What a great find! we are more then a few! sometimes I feel I have to whisper not to bring on the (w)rath of the godlings

(truelee / July 20, 2007 - 07:33 am)

4d-Don Said:

As an a-THEIST, I do not "oppose" the concept of the ONE or the UNITY! (What some call "God"). I do oppose the static and dogmatic definition that organized religions have given to the ONE of their PYRAMIDAL structure, where THEY (the sacred Institute of "THEY) are the "elite" or the "saved" at the top of the Pyramid, and the Masses, as the needy sinners, carries this useless structure as if they were not "inside" the ONE, unless and until authorized by the "PRIEST" class. (the rituals of Baptism, etc..)

I believe in a more just, egalitarian, "spheric or spiral" universal and Divine structure where MOTION is scalar and where all have an equal access to the ONE, the UNITY or the DIVINE in us all, with it's positive attributes of HOPE, LOVE, CHARITY, etc..., and without the fear of the "NEGATIVE" (sin and Hell), and without the need for a religious or Pyramidal proxy system.

We are safely tucked inside the ONE where we live. We still need the pyramid structure for military, police, business etc...We do not need the "pyramidal" structure to reach the ONE or to expand to the stars where all motions in space are arcs, orbits, rotations, etc and where "translational" motion is just a relative local "illusion" much like tribal "RELIGIONS and their version of pyramidal (triangular, trinity) MONOTHEISM.

The pyramidal structure is useful in Eucledian geometry of three dimensions (3d), and is thus useful until we are off the planet, Mother Earth, Gaia, our cradle. Time to leave the imaginary BREAST children, and become responsible "adults", ready to reach for the stars.

This is a religious MUTINY of the INFONAUTS! The People are taking over their own ships for the sake of our spiritual diversity and our very survival!

Religions would have us make war with one another yet again!

The hour of our "transformation" is at hand! It is written in the BOOKS! lol

(4d-don / July 21, 2007 - 20:29)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The ONE, the LOGOS and Monotheism

From: http://atheisme.free.fr/Votre_espace/Visitors_book.htm

Gravitondragon said:

I ask that you please read this through with an open mind, as I know of your belief about God. I can see you are set against God. You probably don't believe the Bible, but it has been around nearly 2000 years and is yet to be proven false. Archeology has excavated many sites in reference to the Scriptures and found evidence on many occasions, confirming its accuracy. If it is as accurate about things of history, why should I not then logically move on to look at what caused this? The Bible is more historically accurate than any other book of antiquity and does not contradict itself. For example, the gospels are written by four different authors. If you look closely at the text, you will find that while later copies add or don't elaborate on certain points they all portray the same message. Also, Jesus is the theme of the Bible. If, like atheists say, the world is made from matter, then where did it come from? I understand that you do not wish to ask this question, but how can I blindly accept anything without looking at the facts? I don't believe that you are a bad person, in fact it is an act of bravery to make your views so public. If possible, I would like to set up a chat to further discuss this. I will continue to read your website.
Take care and I look forward to your reply.

(gravitondragon / July 1st, 2007 - 01:10 am)

SP said:

I feel so sorry for you. It's sad for me to see someone who is unable to connect with that which has no name, that which is beyond reason and mindset. I wish you wisdom.

(SP / July 3, 2007 - 10:20 am)

4d-don said:

To quote the Bible as a proof of the existence of the ONE, the UNITY what some call by the Gothic "GOD", (from the Germanic tribe, the Goth, that invaded Rome in 4th century, common era, not Christian era, is like quoting "Mein Kempf" to prove the concept of the MASTER RACE (the CHOSEN PEOPLE). That was once the claim of the JEWS, as well as most religions, and is now the the claim of the CHRISTIANS. It's a disease called Monotheism, and it spreads.

The ONE (what some call God) if seen as a number or an abstraction to represent the UNITY in ALL, is then not a word (except in such compound words as "one-ness" to convey attributes of UNITY to words and concepts. Then "in the beginning" (Christian Bible, John 1) was not THE WORD (but the NUMBER). Yahweh means "no name" (no word), "no form", "no attributes". And that is only one of the names in the Christian BIBLE for the ONE, (the MONO of Monotheism). The other word is ELOHIM and that makes up the two Biblical words for The ONE, the UNITY, belonging to two tribes that later made up ISRAEL, the Yahwehists and the Elohimists.

The Greek concept used by John, the apostle, in John 1 of the Christian Bible, to express the ONE (GOD), is LOGOS. In the beginning was the LOGOS.(John 1) This is a philosophical concept and means: LOGIC as defined by sound, using the arrangement of sounds called: words. So MOTION! A dynamic concept that is not STATIC, as A DOGMA or A WORD! But LOGOS was translated that way by the "ELITE" for the control of the "lowly mass". A "word" can be "solid" and hence "sold". Logic has to be taught and then the student of LOGIC does not need the TEACHER anymore. So religion loses it's pyramidal (top down) control.

In French, the Biblical LOGOS was translated as: "le verbe", or the verb. Again, dynamic and in MOTION. An action, and not STATIC, as a DOGMA or a WORD.

That was early Christ's teaching according to JOHN, his friend.


I find that many who quote the Bible have never read it but are just repeating what others have said about it. (the preachers). I have read the Catholic, King James, New Jerusalem (Jeru=NEW, so NEW SALEM), and many of the "modern" versions" of the old "compilations". I find many illogical and inaccurate accounts, too many to list. Those who say that it has never been "proven" are just apologists for a document that is as archaic as the fundamental concepts they espouse such as the one that Women can't be Popes or Masters (If transfered to India) or even "apostles" (note Mary the Magdalene and other brave women who stood at the cross as Jesus died, while the other "apostles" hid in fear for their lives, are not "apostles").

And then there's the ORIGINAL SIN! The alleged sin of ADAM and EVE that we all now are "guilty of". Now that is a good ONE ! Very "logical" according to some...or LOGOS!! lol I'm sure glad our "fought for" and democratic civil legal system is intellectually loftier than the Religious laws that espouses that type of DOGMA!

4d-don - July 8, 2007

The HOPEFUL Bummers!

From: http://atheisme.free.fr/Votre_espace/Visitors_book.htm

Oviettiv said:

'am really impressed!!

(obiettiv / June 19, 2007 - 09:43 pm)

Rachel Crossley said:

Terrible website, u bummmers
(Rachel Crossley / June 18, 2007 - 10:12 am)

Christian said:

You pose some interesting questions. I have spent some time studying some of your material. I was just wondering if you believe in the concept of truth. If so, I would like to know. I will continue to examine your website. God Bless.
(christian / July 1st, 2007 - 00:45 am)

4d-don said:

We have HOPE and we are called "BUMMERS"... I guess it's not the "right kind of HOPE"... Like the kind that comes from a "legitimate" "church"... That's like saying that if you play the kitchen spoons, you are not really a "spoon player" as to truly be a "spoon player", one has to use the "musical Instruments" bought at a "legitimate" music store. You know the kind that are "stuck together already.

We are taking back our HOPE also because the RELIGIOUS fear of a HELL is not enough of a motivator. It does not stop "evil" from existing as collectively having created the "hell" from fantasy to "reality" simply by saying it, writing it and and then "collectively" believing it, the "lowest among us" will become curious to experience that "evil"...

Where is the HOPE in the Religious HELL and the other attributes of the realm of EVIL disguised as "GOOD"..

Hell is the absence of God (not the ONE). So there is an Inside and an Outside of God. So God has dual qualities. It is also Male, so female is outside?

Logic is better than Fantasy in this case. ;-)) ONE IS ALL... ALL IS ONE...(no gender, no maleness, no duality...ONE IN ALL and ALL IN ONE... Alexandre Dumas (loosely) in the Three Musketeers...lol

(4d-don / June 26, 2007 - 00:56 am)

Saturday, July 7, 2007


See how they LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

From: http://atheisme.free.fr/Votre_espace/Visitors_book.htm

4d-don said:

One can always tell who the Religious people are. They are the ones who wish their neighbours the curse of hell for eternity, and even create a space, the mythical ("hell") awaiting the "saintly" non-believers to go to forever. And not only for a crime or sin committed but also for the sins of "the Fathers" and/or if one does not take their delusional fantasy seriously. They even create a "Satan" to tempt one into "sinning" and to trick one into adhering to and believing in the his "non-existence".

Such fantasies are called "dogmas" or "truths". Satan's "modus operandi" to get one to believe that HE (male just like their minor tribal "GOD" and not the ONE) does not exist is to use one's desires and passions. In religion hides this spiritual "sickness" that we will have to define before we can evolve out of the childhood tantrums that are wars and "violence" against the fellow HUMANS. Even "intellectual" terrorism that is the fear created around this "punishment" of the religious hell, as if one was "guilty" from birth, has to be exposed as a societal disease that has to be "exorcised" as we reach "childhood's end", to quote Arthur C Clark.

(4d-don / June 24, 2007 - 06:44 am)

The Bummers (with faith, hope and charity and LOVE)

The Bummers!

From: http://atheisme.free.fr/Votre_espace/Visitors_book.htm

Rachel said:

Terrible website, u bummmers
(Rachel Crossley / June 18, 2007 - 10:12 am)

4d-don said:

We have HOPE and we are called "BUMMERS"... I guess it's not the "right kind of HOPE"... Like the kind that comes from a "legitimate" "church"... That's like saying that if you play the kitchen spoons, you are not really a "spoon player" as to truly be a "spoon player", one has to use the "musical Instruments" bought at a "legitimate" music store. You know the kind that are "stuck together already.

We are taking back our HOPE also because the RELIGIOUS fear of a HELL is not enough of a motivator. It does not stop "evil" from existing as collectively having created the "hell" from fantasy to "reality" simply by saying it, writing it and and then "collectively" believing it, the "lowest among us" will become curious to experience that "evil"...

Where is the HOPE in the Religious HELL and the other attributes of the realm of EVIL disguised as "GOOD"..

Hell is the absence of God (not the ONE). So there is an Inside and an Outside of God. So God has dual qualities. It is also Male, so female is outside?

Logic is better than Fantasy in this case. ;-)) ONE IS ALL... ALL IS ONE...(no gender, no maleness, no duality...ONE IN ALL and ALL IN ONE... Alexandre Dumas (loosely) in the Muscateers...lol

(4d-don / June 26, 2007 - 00:56 am)